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C. Match the situations with the best explanations

1. Ali didn’t get a high mark for his homework. a) It might be the only means of transport he knows.
2. She got very tired while cleaning the house. b) The house could have been very dirty.
3. He took photos with his mobile phone. c) It should have been done more carefully.
4. I think he will come here by the underground. d) They should be paying a large bill.
5. They are paying a lot for the central heating. e) It might have had a camera.
  1. Read the article and fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

Servants of our century – Robots

In the past, there (1).............. (be) thousands of servants in great empires like ancient Rome, Egypt or Greece. There were slaves doing all the work for their masters and mistresses so rich people (2).................. (spend) their time for travel, sports, leisure activities and education.

Today the slaves (3)................ (not be) human – they are machines which (4).................. (call) ‘robots’. The word ‘robot’ (5).................... (come) from Czechoslovakia. They are machines which can be (6)..................... (teach) or programmed to do useful work. They mostly (7)................... (work) in factories, especially on production lines. That’s where something like a TV or a car is put together piece by piece. For years, this work (8)................ (be) very boring and tiring for human workers.

Today’s robots (9).................... (be) more intelligent than ever before. They may even have mini TV cameras which (10)................ (make) them able to see. In the future, they (11)................. (be able to / work) at homes, offices, shops almost anywhere. Since they were invented, they (12)................. (also / do) other jobs apart from working on production lines. They can help to defuse bombs, work underground helping to find metals and minerals, control flying weapons, take photos and collect rocks on planets like the Mars without risking human life. Robots (13).................. (also / work) under the sea as robot divers and submarines to repair oil-rigs and find wrecks. Robots are clever but still not clever enough to do some tasks like washing the dishes, making beds, cleaning floor or cutting grass. But it is a fact that robots will help to create a leisure society for the next generation and they may increase unemployment. So this (14)................... (depend) on us. Only we can decide whether we control the robots or they (15)................... (control) us.

Ø What do you think is the most important invention of our time?

Ø Would you feel comfortable with a robot inside your house? If so, why / why not?

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 562 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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