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Милленаризм, апокалиптические настроения

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Bynum, Caroline W. and Freedman, Paul, Last Things. Death and the Apocalypse in the Middle Ages, Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2000.

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Carozzi, Claude, Apocalypse et Salut dans le christianisme ancien et medieval, Paris, Aubier, 1996.

Cohn, Norman, Les Fanatiques de VApocalypse, Paris, Payot, 1983 (пер. с англ.).

Head, Thomas, Landes, Richard, The Peace of God. Social Violence and Religious Response in France around the Year 1000, Lon­don, Cornell University Press, 1992.

Manselli, Raoul, La «Lectura super Apocalipsim» di Pietro di Gio­vanni Olivi, Roma, 1955.

Mendel, Arthur P., Vision and Violence (on the Millenium), Ann Arbor, The University of Michigan Press, 1992 (1 ed.); 1999 (2ed.).

Reeves, Marjorie, Joachim of Fiore and the Prophetic Futur, London, Sutton, 1976.

Textes prophetiques et la Prophetie en Occident, XIIе—XVIе siecle (Les), (материалы круглого стола в Шантийи, 1988), Ecole franchise de Rome, 1990.

Topfer, Bernhard, Das kommende Reich des Friedens, Berlin, 1964.

Verbeke, Werner, Verhelst, Daniel and Welkenhuysen, Andries, The Use and Abuse of Eschatology in the Middle Ages, Louvain, Leuven University Press, 1988.

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