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Tribunals in the UK


tribunal трибунал; суд

judicial review пересмотр судебного решения

The system of courts in the United Kingdom is supplemented by a substantial number of tribunals, set up by Acts of Parliament. They are described in the guidance given to government departments as:

"those bodies whose functions, like those of courts of law, are essentially judicial. Independently of the Executive, they decide the rights and obligations of private citizens towards each other and towards a government department or public authority." Report of Council on Tribunals

The growth in the number and importance of tribunals is closely related to the development of an increasingly active welfare state with legislation covering areas previously considered private. Some examples are:

• Social Security Appeal Tribunal

• Employment Tribunal

• Mental Health Review Tribunal

• Immigration Appeal Tribunal

• Lands Tribunal

Some tribunals have a significant effect in the areas of law involved. However, they are nonetheless inferior to the courts and their decisions are subject to judicial review - examination by a higher court of the decision-making process in a lower court.

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Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 1604 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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