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Grammar Revision. Ex.11Translate the sentences into Russian

Ex.11 Translate the sentences into Russian. Pay attention to the use of Passive Voice.

e.g. The bill was approved by a large majority of the present. – Исковое заявление было одобрено большинством присутствующих.

1.In many civil law countries, prosecutors are trained and employed as part of the judiciary.

2. In some countries law is taught by a faculty of law.

3. In other countries, particularly the United States, law is primarily taugh t at law schools.

4. In other countries, jurists who hold law degrees are allowed to provide legal advice to individuals or to corporations.

5. In Germany, lawyers are admitted to regional bars and may appear for clients before all courts nationwide with the exception of the Federal Court of Justice of Germany.

6. Civil law was influenced by Canon law and Islamic law.

7. In these countries the lawyers will be regulated by an independent judiciary or they will be subjected to supervision by the Ministry of Justice in the executive branch.

8. Civil law is subdivided into four groups.

9. Islamic Sharia law is based on legal precedent similar to law.

10. Race Relations Acts were passed in 1968 and 1976.

Ex. 12 Change the Voice of the verb in bold type. Give the corresponding Passive Construction.

e.g. An article touches upon the most important aspects of legal profession. – The most important aspects of legal profession are touched upon in this article.

1. The country violated the international agreement.

2. A large majority of the present approved the bill.

3. The judge will declare Mr. Stevens innocent.

4. The government has repealed the law segregating public facilities.

5. Our conversation range over many subjects.

6. An individual person or a commercial company owns and controls private industries and services.

7. The Estonian parliament has passed a resolution declaring independence.

8. The new book deals with the troubles in Ireland.

9. Sharia law governs a number of Islamic countries, including Saudi Arabia and Iran.

See also: Supplementary exercises (10-13).

Ex.13 Match the sentences which correspond to Text A. Correct false statements. Use the following phrases: to tell the truth; I think; that’s why; what’s more; besides; it’s not correct.

1. Civil law systems mainly derive from the Roman Empire.

2. There are two legal systems in the world.

3. Religious laws are rarely used in the world.

4. Sharia law and common law are closely connected.

Ex.14 Answer the questions on Text A.

1. What legal systems are known to you?

2. What is the most widespread system of law in the world?

3. What was civil law influenced by?

4. Name four groups of civil law.

5. What are the features of common law?

6. The Islamic legal system of Sharia is the most widely used religious law, isn’t it? Why?

Ex.15 Translate the following texts into Russian orally.

a) Common law is a system in which legal decisions are based upon

decisions in previous cases and on customs rather than on detailed written laws. It is sometimes called case law and originally developed in England. Common law is an important part of the legal systems of many countries which have been influenced by English law, such as the USA and India.

b) Continental law is a system in which legal decisions are usually

made by applying detailed written laws to the case in question. Various forms of continental law are found in continental Europe and in parts of Asia, Africa and Latin America. It is sometimes known as Roman Law because it was influenced by the laws developed in ancient Rome. It is also known as codified law because the system often requires laws to be written in the form of precise, detailed codes.

Ex. 16 Develop the idea of each sentence using the text «Legal systems of the world».

1. There are three legal systems in the world.

2. Continental European law is the most widespread system in the world.

3. Civil law is divided into four groups.

4. The main kinds of religious law are Sharia, Halakha, and Canon law.

Ex.17 Translate the sentences into English, using active vocabulary of Unit III.

1.В связи с многообразием точек зрения существует множество классификаций правовых систем.

2. В основу классификации правовых систем положены различные факторы: исторические, идеологические, культурно-правовые, религиозные и другие.

3. Сейчас в мире насчитывают около 200 правовых систем, например, национально-правовые системы России, Англии, Франции, Японии и другие.

4. Различают 5-7 правовых семей, в том числе славянскую (Slav), романо-германскую, мусульманскую (Mohammedan Law), семью общего права и другие.

5. Внутри различных правовых систем выделяют несколько десятков групп правовых систем.

Ex.18 Write a précis of Texts B and C in Russian. It should not exceed one third of the text. Render the précis in English.

Text B

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