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A model of the economy

Economists spend a lot of time trying to develop models of the working of the economy. The London Business School, like many universities and also the Treasury, has a model of the economy which it has entered into a computer. The reason for this is that much of its work is concerned with forecasting future economic trends so as to aid decision-making by business and government. The London Business School’s model can be fed with economic information, such as changes in tax rates, and it will then predict how the economy will behave. Such predictions are an invaluable aid to business decision-making because, for example, business can find out whether people’s incomes are likely to rise or not.

The complete economy comprises many millions of economic units. There are households, as one kind of unit. There are also firms, and the departments of both central and local government. These unit together decide the economy’s total spending. They also decide its total income and its total level of production of goods and services. But in order to develop a simple model of the economy we need to ignore the government sector and the possibility of transactions between households and foreigners. Suppose we are dealing with an isolated economy, one which has no government. Let’s assume that there are two main sectors in the economy: households and firms. Households supply firms with the factors of productions that firms need to carry on their concerns.

Thus, households provide labor services, both skilled and unskilled, in return for the payment of wages. They may also supply land for which they are paid rent. Finally, they might supply the finance, which is essential to the business. If the finance is in the form of a loan they are business. If the finance is in the form of a loan they receive interest payments, but if they have purchased shares in the business they may be entitled to a share of the profits. Most households provide some factor services or services of productive factors, to a public or private business. Anyone at work is providing labor, and if you or someone in your family has bought shares in the privatization programme (in, for example, British Telecom or the water authorities) then they have supplied share capital. Households receive payments for there factor services, that is to say, they earn factor incomes, such as wages, rents and profits.

The other part of out simple model portrays firms supplying households with all the goods and services that they require. In return for there the households to firms for which there is an opposite stream of factor pay the firms. These two sets of actions create the model of the circular flow of money, which is shown in Fig.3.

In fast, there are two flows. One which is monetary and one comprising goods and services. A flow of factor services from household to firm for which there is an opposite stream of factor payments and a flow of goods and services, which household pay the firms. It is th3s monetary flow of goods and services, which we are most interested.

What does the figure suggest? It suggests that there are three ways of measuring the amount of economic activity in the economy. First, we can measure the value of goods and services produced, second, we can measure the level of factor earning. There factor earnings represent the value of spending on goods and services supplied. Third, we can measure the value of spending on goods and services. Then, economists refer to the size of the monetary circular flow as the level of national income/

If we assume that all the goods and services, which are produced are in fact sold and that households spend all their income, then we have arrived at what economists call a neutral equilibrium. The level of income, which is spent and received by the two groups will not alter since as one group receives it, they spend it with the other.

The fast that the economy is in a neutral equilibrium means simply that the level of national income, and economic activity, are stable and unchanging. (An equilibrium is a point balance in which there is no inherent tendency to change). If the economy was in equilibrium

It does not mean that everyone who wants a job has one or that country is importing exactly. the same value of goods and services as it is exporting.

Дата публикования: 2015-01-10; Прочитано: 612 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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