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Ex.5. Answer the questions

  1. What age can young people in the United States take on most of the rights and the responsibilities of adulthood?
  2. What is the reason of young people turning to alcohol or drugs?
  3. Are there any organizations in America to help teenagers stop drinking and driving?
  4. Do the parents and teenagers need such organizations? What is the function of it?
  5. What kind of punishments does the juvenile court undertake?

Grammar: Conjunctions.

1. Co-ordinating conjunctions: and, but, both … and, or, either … or, neither.. nor, not only.. but also. These conjunctions join pairs of nouns/ adjectives/ adverbs/ verbs/ phrases/ clauses. He plays squash and rugby. He works quickly but accurately. He can’t (either) read and write. He can neither nor write. Not only men but also women were chosen.

· Besides (preposition) means ‘in addition to’. It precedes a noun/ pronoun/ gerund: Besides doing the cooking I look after the garden.

· However (conjunct) usually means ‘but’. Itprecedes its adjective/ adverb: You couldn’t earn much, however hard you worked.

· Otherwise (conjunct) means ‘if not/or else’. We must be early; otherwise we won’t get a seat.

· So (conjunct) precedes its clause: Our cases were heavy, so we took a taxi.

· Therefore can be used instead of so in formal English” There is fog at Heathrow; the plane, therefore, has been diverted.

· Still means ‘admitting that/ nevertheless’. Yet means ‘in spite of that/ all the same/ nevertheless’.

· Though means ‘but or yet’: He says he’ll pay, though I don’t think he will.

1. Subordinating conjunctions: if, that, unless, when etc. These conjunctions introduce subordinate adverb or noun.

· When, while, as used to express time. When is used, with simple tenses: When we lived in town we often went to the theatre.

· As is used when the second action occurs before the first is finished: As I left the house I remembered the key.

· While means ‘during the time that’: As he stood there he saw two men enter the bar.

Ex.6. Make sentences with ‘both … and … ‘, ‘neither … nor…’, and ‘either.. or … ‘ using the words in brackets.

1. We didn’t like the hotel. It was __________ (clean/ comfortable).2. I didn’t like the film. It was ____________ (boring/ long).3. I couldn’t remember his name. He was _______ (Robert? Richard).4. I wasn’t able to go on holiday that year. I’ve got _ (time/ money).5. We have tickets for Saturday concert. Which do you prefer? I don’t care, I can go _________ (Saturday/ Sunday).6. He is an ideal husband. He ________ (smoke/ drink).

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