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Complex object

Test 1. Use to where necessary.

1. I saw him _______ drop his bag.

2. We expected Tom _______ be late.

3. The officer made Ann _______ open her suitcase.

4. Ann was made _______ open her case.

5. Suddenly they heard the front door _______ open and then _______ close softly.

6. Let me _______ carry your bag for you.

7. Do you want me _______ come with you?

8. I like my Granny _______ tell us fairy-tales.

9. Have you ever seen her _______ dance?

10. Hot weather makes me _______ feel tired.

11. She doesn’t allow us _______ smoke in the house.

12. I want you _______ tell me the truth.

13. I noticed Henry _______ come up and _______ speak to the stranger.

14. Her parents won’t let her _______ go out alone.

15. Would you like me _______ go now?

16. I know him _______ be a great politician.

17. My father allowed me _______ use his car.

18. Let him _______ do what he wants.

19. I expected my parents _______ help me.

20. Mr Graves felt somebody’s hand _______ touch him.

Test 2. V or V-ing? Choose the correct form of the verb.

1. Did you notice anyone (go/going) out?

2. When I woke up, I could hear the birds (sing/singing).

3. I suddenly felt someone (touch/touching) on my shoulder.

4. I didn’t hear you (come/coming) in.

5. John found Ann in his room (read/reading) his letters.

6. Did anybody see the accident (happen/happening)?

7. Listen! Can you hear a baby (cry/crying)?

8. I looked out of the window and saw Tim on his bike (cycle/cycling) along the road.

9. We noticed a group of people (dig/digging) something in the field.

10. ‘Why did you turn round suddenly?’ ‘I thought I heard somebody (call/calling) my name.’

11. Can you smell something (burn/burning)?

12. If you found a lot of money (lie/lying) in the street, would you take it to the police station?

13. We watched the two men (run/running) across the garden, (open/opening) a window and (climb/climbing) through it into the house.

14. Everybody heard the bomb (explode/exploding). It was a tremendous noise.

15. Oh! I can feel something (crawl/crawling) up my leg! It must be an insect.

16. I heard somebody (slam/slamming) the door in the middle of the night. It woke me up.

17. We saw the robber (walk/walking) quickly along the street.

18. I saw her (walk/walking) across the room and (take/ taking) a gun out of the desk drawer.

19. When we got home, we found a cat (sleep/sleeping) on the kitchen table.

20. I could hear it (rain/raining).

Test 3. Choose the correct form of the verb.

1. I want him _______ back soon.

a) to come b) come c) coming

2. My mother always makes me _______ up.

a) to wash b) wash c) washing

3. I felt Nick _______ his hand on my shoulder.

a) to put b) put c) putting

4. The pupils were made _______ at school after classes.

a) to stay b) stay c) staying

5. The teacher expected the children _______ this difficult question.

a) to answer b) answer c) answering

6. If I saw a child _______, I would ask what was the matter.

a) to cry b) cry c) crying

7. My parents didn’t let me _______ to the party.

a) to go b) go c) going

8. Everyone likes her _______.

a) to dance b) dance c) dancing

9. Would you like me _______ for you?

a) to wait b) wait c) waiting

10. We were allowed to _______ bed later.

a) to go b) go c) going

11. I smelled something _______ in the kitchen.

a) to burn b) burn c) burning

12. My parents don’t want me _______ home late.

a) to come b) come c) coming

13. Her present made me _______ happy.

a) to feel b) feel c) feeling

14. John saw his friend _______ the door of the room and _______ in.

a) to open, to come b) open, come c) opening, coming

15. This task is difficult! Let me _______ you!

a) to help b) help c) helping

16. We don’t expect them _______ for us after classes.

a) to wait b) wait c) waiting

17. The boy was made _______ the truth.

a) to tell b) tell c) telling

18. Mother watched her little children _______ in the yard.

a) to play b) play c) playing

19. He heard a distant voice _______.

a) to shout b) shout c) shouting

20. I hate you _______ late.

a) to be b) be c) being

Test 4. Read the text and put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

Last night a terrible accident happened near my house. I was reading a book when I heard car breaks (1)(screech) and people (2)(shout) in the street. When I looked out of the window, I saw a crowd of about twenty people (3)(stand) around a young boy lying in the street. Next, I saw the driver of the car (4)(approach) the crowd and (5)(kneel) down by the boy. I wanted my wife (6)(phone) the emergency service but then I noticed some people in the street (7)(use) their mobiles to call an ambulance. Suddenly I saw a young woman (8)(run) towards the scene and (9)(push) her way through the crowd. I knew her (10)(be) the boy’s mother. A few minutes later I heard an ambulance siren (11)(scream) in the distance. Then I saw the ambulance (12)(stop) in front of my house. I watched the ambulance men (13)(get out) and (14)(run) to the injured boy. Minutes later I saw them (15)(run back) to the ambulance with the boy on a stretcher followed by his mother.

Test 5. Translate the sentences using complex object.

1. Я хочу, чтобы вы прочли эту книгу.

2. Я видел, что Коля пришел.

3. Я видел, как Джордж шел по улице.

4. Вам бы хотелось, чтобы я рассказал вам эту историю?

5. Собака заставила кошку взобраться на дерево.

6. Мы не рассчитывали, что вы так много сделаете.

7. Он не любит, когда дети смеются.

8. Вы заметили, как он положил письмо на стол?

9. Мама хочет, чтобы я стала учительницей.

10. Папа, разреши Тому присоединиться к нам.

11. Он знал, что она знаменитая певица.

12. Вы когда-нибудь слышали, как она поет?

13. Хотите, я дам вам мой словарь?

14. Мне бы не хотелось, чтобы вы меня ждали.

15. Мы наблюдали, как студенты танцуют.

16. Я ненавижу, когда ты задаешь глупые вопросы.

17. Учитель заставил еe переписать упражнение.

18. Она не слышала, как я вошел в комнату.

19. Бабушка не любит, когда дети играют с собакой.

20. Я почувствовала, как кто-то смотрит на меня.


Test 1. Gerund or infinitive: choose the correct answer.

1. They denied (to steal/stealing) the money.

2. He gave up (to smoke/smoking).

3. I don’t want (to go/going) out tonight. I am too tired.

4. Try to avoid (to make/making) him angry.

5. Is there anything here worth (to buy/buying)?

6. I refuse (to answer/answering) any more questions.

7. He finished (to speak/speaking) and sat down.

8. Would you mind (to put/putting) your pet snake somewhere else?

9. I’ve enjoyed (to meet/meeting) you. I hope (to see/seeing) you again soon.

10. The boy’s father promised (to pay/paying) for the broken window.

11. He decided (to steal/stealing) her bag.

12. I don’t feel like (to work/working). What about (to go/ going) to a disco instead?

13. Would you like (to join/joining) us?

14. I hope (to see/seeing) you soon.

15. Please go on (to write/writing). I don’t mind (to wait/ waiting).

16. He keeps (to ask/asking) me the time and I keep (to tell/telling) him (to buy/buying) himself a watch.

17. I wish (to see/seeing) him as soon as possible.

18. I offered (to help/helping) him to translate the text.

19. Tom suggested (to go/going) to the cinema.

20. How old were you when you learnt (to drive/driving)?

Test 2. Gerund or infinitive: choose the correct answer.

1. I remember (to meet/meeting) him last year.

2. I must remember (to meet/meeting) him at the station tomorrow.

3. Please, remember (to close/closing) the door when you go out.

4. I remember (to close/closing) the door, but I’m not sure that I locked it.

5. Don’t forget (to lock/locking) the door before (to go/ going) to bed.

6. He forgot (to bring/bringing) his passport. He left it on the table.

7. I’ll never forget (to go/going) out with my aunt in my childhood.

8. Try (to forget/forgetting) it; it isn’t worth (to worry/ worrying) about.

9. I rang the doorbell but there was no answer. Then I tried (to knock/knocking) on the door, but there was still no answer.

10. We tried (to put/putting) the fire out but we were unsuccessful.

11. Sue needed to borrow some money. She tried (to ask/ asking) Gerry but he was short of money, too.

12. Please, leave me alone. I’m trying (to concentrate/concentrating).

13. I need a change. I need (to go/going) away for a while.

14. The windows are dirty. They need (to clean/cleaning).

15. You don’t need (to ask/asking) his permission every time you want (to leave/leaving) the room.

16. Your hair needs (to cut/cutting). Would you like me (to do/doing) it for you?

17. We stopped there (to buy/buying) some biscuits.

18. Please, stop (to ask/asking) me questions.

19. ‘Did you start your diet?’ ‘Sure, but I can’t help (to eat/eating) sweets.’

20. Can you help me (to get/getting) the dinner ready?

Test 3. Gerund or infinitive: choose the correct answer.

1. I have finished (to decorate/decorating) the house.

2. I can’t stand (to work/working) in an office.

3. We hope (to arrive/arriving) by half past seven.

4. It was a wonderful holiday. I will always remember (to see/seeing) Niagara Falls.

5. They can’t promise (to finish/finishing) the work today.

6. He hates (to use/using) computers.

7. I am really looking forward to (to start/starting) my new course.

8. They can’t help us (to move/moving) in our new flat.

9. They enjoyed (to be/being) on holiday by the sea.

10. She refused (to answer/answering) the phone.

11. The weather was awful. It didn’t stop (to rain/raining) all week.

12. My sister has agreed (to help/helping) with the decorating.

13. They managed (to save/saving) enough to buy a car.

14. His parents don’t allow him (to stay up/staying up) after ten o’clock.

15. I don’t mind (to drive/driving) to the restaurant.

16. Please remember (to post/posting) my letter. It’s very important.

17. We were late. Tom suggested (to take/taking) a taxi.

18. I asked him to stop (to talk/talking), but he kept (to ask/asking) me questions.

19. Sometimes she puts off (to do/doing) her homework.

20. They always forget (to water/watering) the plants.

Test 4. Gerund: choose the correct form. Sometimes more than one answer is possible.

1. This question needs _________.

a) discussing b) being discussed c) having discussed d) having been discussed

2. I like John. I look forward to _________ to his party.

a) inviting b) being invited c) having invited d) having been invited

3. He can’t give up _________ chocolate.

a) eating b) being eaten c) having eaten d) having been eaten

4. I am sorry for not _________ to you. I was very busy last week.

a) writing b) being written c) having written d) having been written

5. My friends and I can’t help _________ videos.

a) watching b) being watched c) having watched d) having been watched

6. She apologised for not _________ her friend at the airport.

a) meeting b) being met c) having met d) having been met

7. This film is worth _________.

a) seeing b) being seen c) having seen d) having been seen

8. I am very busy. I don’t feel like _________.

a) disturbing b) being disturbed c) having disturbed d) having been disturbed

9. Paul avoids _________ to strangers. Moreover, he avoids _________ to.

a) speaking b) being spoken c) having spoken d) having been spoken

10. He was still hungry in spite of _________ several sandwiches.

a) eating b) being eaten c) having eaten d) having been eaten

11. I can’t put off _________ this book.

a) reading b) being read c) having read d) having been read

12. After the cat _________ went to sleep.

a) feeding b) being fed c) having fed d) having been fed

13. He complained of _________ at.

a) laughing b) being laughed c) having laughed d) having been laughed

14. This dress is dirty. It wants _________.

a) washing b) being washed c) having washed d) having been washed

15. She was very glad of _________ that difficult problem.

a) solving b) being solved c) having solved d) having been solved

16. They climbed through the window without _________ by anyone.

a) seeing b) being seen c) having seen d) having been seen

17. I am fond of _________ sports.

a) playing b) being played c) having played d) having been played

18. Jane complained of not _________ to the party last Friday.

a) inviting b) being invited c) having invited d) having been invited

19. After _________ into English, the article was published.

a) translating b) being translated c) having translated d) having been translated

20. I dislike not _________ to.

a) listening b) being listened c) having listened d) having been listened

Test 5. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form (gerund or infinitive).

1. Thank you for (come).

2. We saw this film last year. Do you remember (see) it?

3. After (examine) the student, the professor gave him a good mark.

4. I’ll never forget (visit) London for the first time.

5. She accused him of (steal) her purse.

6. I tried (explain) but she refused (listen).

7. You don’t need (iron) that shirt. It doesn’t need (iron).

8. Has it stopped (rain) yet?

9. ‘Did you remember (book) seats for the theatre tomorrow?’ ‘Yes, I have the tickets here. Would you like (keep) them?’

10. He was very glad of (help) in his difficulty.

11. You must never forget (say) ‘Thank you’.

12. The problem is not worth (discuss).

13. She complained of (forget) to send this letter.

14. I tried (work) in a department store, but it wasn’t a very good job.

15. Can you help me (do) this exercise?

16. I don’t feel like (see) him.

17. She tried (be) serious but she couldn’t help (laugh).

18. I wish (see) the manager.

19. She tried to avoid (speak) to.

20. Would you mind (shut) the window?

Test 6. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form (gerund or infinitive).

1. I’ll never forget (go) to school for the first time. I remember that day quite clearly.

2. David was happy (find) his aunt.

3. I tried (reach) the shelf but I wasn’t tall enough.

4. He likes (invite) by his friends.

5. You don’t need (paint) the door. It doesn’t need (paint).

6. Stop (argue) and start (work).

7. ‘Did you remember (lock) the door?’ ‘No, I’ll go back and do it now.’

8. If it is worth (do), it is worth (do) well.

9. ‘How did the thief get into the house?’ ‘I forgot (shut) the window.’

10. They accuse him of (rob) their house.

11. If you can’t turn the key try (put) some oil in the lock.

12. Have you finished (write)?

13. He always helps me (do) my homework.

14. He looks so funny. Whenever I see him, I can’t help (smile).

15. She decided (not buy) the car.

16. Do you mind him (examine) by a cardiologist?

17. I don’t enjoy (go) to the dentist.

18. Excuse me for (break) your beautiful vase.

19. I clearly remember (pay) him. I gave him $20.

20. After (say) this he left the room.

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