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Test 16. Complete the text. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect or Past Simple tense

I (1)(go) to New York for the first time three years ago.

I (2)(meet) an American girl of my age called Laura. She (3)(be) very friendly.

‘You (4)(be) to New York before?’ she asked me.

‘No, I ______(5),’ I said, and so Laura offered to help me.

‘You (6)(see) the Statue of Liberty yet?’

‘Yes, I (7)(see) it yesterday.’

‘OK. What about the Empire State Building?’

‘Yes, I just (8)(climb) to the top of it. It (9)(be) wonderful!’

‘What else you (10)(visit) in New York?’

‘Nothing really. I’d like to go shopping but I (11)(not find) any good shops yet.

‘Well, let’s go to Macy’s. It’s the best shop in New York. So, we (12)(take) the underground to Macy’s and I (13)(spend) a fortune! I (14)(leave) New York two weeks later after a terrific holiday. I (15)(enjoy) it very much.

Past Simple/Past Continuous/Past Perfect

Test 17. Past Simple or Past Continuous?

1. While I (listened/was listening) to the radio, the telephone (rang/was ringing).

2. He (broke/was breaking) his leg when he (skied/was skiing) in the Alps.

3. They (listened/were listening) to the orchestra when the pianist (became/was becoming) ill.

4. Ann (played/was playing) the piano while Tom (painted/was painting) а picture.

5. We (saw/were seeing) an accident while we (waited/ were waiting) for the bus.

6. She (worked/was working) quietly at her desk when suddenly the door (opened/was opening) and her daughter (ran/was running) in.

7. While she (prepared/was preparing) lunch, she (cut/was cutting) her finger.

8. We (met/were meeting) while we (lived/were living) in Italy.

9. Which countries (did they visit/were they visiting) while they (travelled/were travelling) round the world?

10. (Did you work/Were you working) in the garden when I (came/was coming) home?

11. А strange man (walked/was walking) into the room. He (wore/was wearing) red trousers and а pink shirt.

12. (Didn’t you meet/Weren’t you meeting) your wife while you (worked/were working) in France?

13. I (saw/was seeing) you in the park yesterday. You (sat/ were sitting) on а bench.

14. They (lived/were living) in Canada when they (met/ were meeting) each other.

15. While I (listened/was listening) to music, my brother (did/was doing) his homework.

16. What (did you write/were you writing) when your computer (crashed/was crashing)?

17. As he (passed/was passing) the bank, а man in а mask (knocked/was knocking) him onto the ground.

18. Why (didn’t they visit/weren’t they visiting) me while they (stayed/were staying) in London?

19. Jack (drove/was driving) home from work when he (saw/was seeing) the accident.

20. Tom (arrived/was arriving) while the children (had/ were having) their bath.

Дата публикования: 2015-01-10; Прочитано: 2588 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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