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Vocabulary and speaking

2. Arrange these job aspects in order of their importance. Number them 1 – the most important to 12 – the least important. Explain your choice.

successful company pleasant colleagues autonomy

job satisfaction career development communication

meeting people excellent employer earning a lot

opportunities to learn new things safety team work

The most important aspect for me is the opportunities to learn new things. My company does IT service for many customers, and I have a lot of chances to approach new technologies. If my knowledge is out of date, how I can support them. I am very anxious to new things and that make my life enjoyable. I don't want to be left behind because the technology is changing every day, especially in IT field.

Match the adjectives used to describe the work with their definitions.

1. tough. a) the work is interesting and gives you positive feelings

2. rewarding b) the work is not interesting

3. dull c) the work involves doing the same things again and again

4. routine d) the work is difficult and makes you tired

Put these adjectives in the box into the correct columns.

uninteresting monotonous stimulating satisfying tiring stressful boring fascinating repetitive hard challenging demanding motivating exciting

tough rewarding dull routine

Дата публикования: 2015-01-10; Прочитано: 363 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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