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D.3. Разработчики 5 страница

uid Florent Thoumie (FreeBSD committer address) <[email protected]>

uid Florent Thoumie (flz) <[email protected]>

uid Florent Thoumie (flz) <[email protected]>

uid [jpeg image of size 1796]

sub 2048g/15D930B9 2004-12-04

D.3.310. Yar Tikhiy <[email protected]>

pub 1024D/EA04CF5A 2008-08-31

Key fingerprint = C063 6788 AFF2 A62F 06B7 516D 200F 06AF EA04 CF5A

uid Yar Tikhiy <[email protected]>

sub 2048g/20443F06 2008-08-31

D.3.311. Jilles Tjoelker <[email protected]>

pub 1024D/A813D5EE 2001-02-18

Key fingerprint = 0C82 44F5 0A1B 84E4 A9DD 7032 5102 275F A813 D5EE

uid Jilles Tjoelker <[email protected]>

uid Jilles Tjoelker <[email protected]>

uid Jilles Tjoelker (FreeBSD) <[email protected]>

sub 2048g/B94834AC 2001-02-18

D.3.312. Ganbold Tsagaankhuu <[email protected]>

pub 1024D/78F6425E 2008-02-26 [expires: 2013-02-24]

Key fingerprint = 9B8E DC41 D3F4 F7FC D8EA 417C D4F7 2AEF 78F6 425E

uid Ganbold <[email protected]>

sub 2048g/716FCBF9 2008-02-26 [expires: 2013-02-24]

D.3.313. Michael Tuexen <[email protected]>

pub 1024D/04EEDABE 2009-06-08

Key fingerprint = 493A CCB8 60E6 5510 A01D 360E 8497 B854 04EE DABE

uid Michael Tuexen <[email protected]>

sub 2048g/F653AA03 2009-06-08

D.3.314. Andrew Turner <[email protected]>

pub 2048R/31B31614 2010-07-01

Key fingerprint = 08AC 2C57 F14F FDD1 2232 B5CD AA16 EFB8 31B3 1614

uid Andrew Turner <[email protected]>

uid Andrew Turner <[email protected]>

sub 2048R/9ACBF138 2010-07-01

D.3.315. Hajimu UMEMOTO <[email protected]>

pub 1024D/BF9071FE 2005-03-17

Key fingerprint = 1F00 0B9E 2164 70FC 6DC5 BF5F 04E9 F086 BF90 71FE

uid Hajimu UMEMOTO <[email protected]>

uid Hajimu UMEMOTO <[email protected]>

uid Hajimu UMEMOTO <[email protected]>

sub 2048g/748DB3B0 2005-03-17

D.3.316. Stephan Uphoff <[email protected]>

pub 2048R/D684B04A 2004-10-06 Stephan Uphoff <[email protected]>

Key fingerprint = B5D2 04AE CA8F 7055 7474 3C85 F908 7F55 D684 B04A

uid Stephan Uphoff <[email protected]>

sub 2048R/A15F921B 2004-10-06

D.3.317. Jacques Vidrine <[email protected]>

pub 2048R/33C1627B 2001-07-05 Jacques A. Vidrine <[email protected]>

Key fingerprint = CB CE 7D A0 6E 01 DC 61 E5 91 0A BE 79 17 D3 82

uid Jacques A. Vidrine <[email protected]>

uid Jacques A. Vidrine <[email protected]>

uid Jacques A. Vidrine <[email protected]>

uid Jacques A. Vidrine <[email protected]>

uid Jacques A. Vidrine <[email protected]>

pub 1024D/1606DB95 2001-07-05 Jacques A. Vidrine <[email protected]>

Key fingerprint = 46BC EA5B F70A CC81 5332 0832 8C32 8CFF 1606 DB95

uid Jacques A. Vidrine <[email protected]>

uid Jacques A. Vidrine <[email protected]>

uid Jacques A. Vidrine <[email protected]>

uid Jacques A. Vidrine <[email protected]>

uid Jacques A. Vidrine <[email protected]>

sub 2048g/57EDEA6F 2001-07-05

D.3.318. Alberto Villa <[email protected]>

pub 1024R/44350A8B 2010-01-24

Key fingerprint = F740 CE4E EDDD DA9B 4A1B 1445 DF18 82EA 4435 0A8B

uid Alberto Villa <[email protected]>

sub 1024R/F7C8254C 2010-01-24

D.3.319. Nicola Vitale <[email protected]>

pub 1024D/F11699E5 2006-12-05

Key fingerprint = 2C17 C591 2C6D 82BD F3DB F1BF 8FC9 6763 F116 99E5

uid Nicola Vitale (Public key for [email protected]) <[email protected]>

sub 2048g/4C90805D 2006-12-05

D.3.320. Ivan Voras <[email protected]>

pub 1024D/569C05C8 2000-05-24

Key fingerprint = AB9A A555 C47C B61D BF83 154C 95D9 C041 569C 05C8

uid Ivan Voras <[email protected]>

uid Ivan Voras <[email protected]>

uid Ivan Voras <[email protected]>

uid [jpeg image of size 4567]

uid Ivan Voras <[email protected]>

uid Ivan Voras <[email protected]>

uid Ivan Voras <[email protected]>

uid Ivan Voras <[email protected]>

uid Ivan Voras <[email protected]>

sub 1536g/149FDD60 2000-05-24

D.3.321. Stefan Walter <[email protected]>

pub 3072R/12B9E0B3 2003-03-06

Key fingerprint = 85D8 6A49 22C7 6CD9 B011 5D6A 5691 111B 12B9 E0B3

uid Stefan Walter <[email protected]>

uid Stefan Walter <[email protected]>

sub 3072R/6D35457A 2003-03-06

D.3.322. Kai Wang <[email protected]>

pub 1024D/AEB910EB 2006-09-27

Key fingerprint = 3534 10A3 F143 B760 EF3E BEDF 8509 6A06 AEB9 10EB

uid Kai Wang <[email protected]>

uid Kai Wang <[email protected]>

uid Kai Wang <[email protected]>

uid Kai Wang <[email protected]>

sub 2048g/1D5AA4DD 2006-09-27

D.3.323. Adam Weinberger <[email protected]>

pub 1024D/42C743FD 2002-10-12 Adam Weinberger <[email protected]>

Key fingerprint = A980 3F2E 80A8 9619 9D1C 82E8 A3C2 8CD9 42C7 43FD

sub 1024g/15D67628 2002-10-12

D.3.324. Peter Wemm <[email protected]>

pub 1024D/7277717F 2003-12-14 Peter Wemm <[email protected]>

Key fingerprint = 622B 2282 E92B 3BAB 57D1 A417 1512 AE52 7277 717F

uid Peter Wemm <[email protected]>

sub 1024g/8B40D9D1 2003-12-14

pub 1024R/D89CE319 1995-04-02 Peter Wemm <[email protected]>

Key fingerprint = 47 05 04 CA 4C EE F8 93 F6 DB 02 92 6D F5 58 8A

uid Peter Wemm <[email protected]>

uid Peter Wemm <[email protected]>

D.3.325. Nathan Whitehorn <[email protected]>

pub 1024D/FC118258 2008-07-03

Key fingerprint = A399 BEA0 8D2B 63B3 47B5 056D 8513 5B96 FC11 8258

uid Nathan Whitehorn <[email protected]>

uid Nathan Whitehorn <[email protected]>

uid Nathan Whitehorn <[email protected]>

uid Nathan Whitehorn <[email protected]>

sub 2048g/EDB55363 2008-07-03

D.3.326. Martin Wilke <[email protected]>

pub 1024D/B1E6FCE9 2009-01-31

Key fingerprint = C022 7D60 F598 8188 2635 0F6E 74B2 4884 B1E6 FCE9

uid Martin Wilke <[email protected]>

sub 4096g/096DA69D 2009-01-31

D.3.327. Nate Williams <[email protected]>

pub 1024D/C2AC6BA4 2002-01-28 Nate Williams (FreeBSD) <[email protected]>

Key fingerprint = 8EE8 5E72 8A94 51FA EA68 E001 FFF9 8AA9 C2AC 6BA4

sub 1024g/03EE46D2 2002-01-28

D.3.328. Steve Wills <[email protected]>

pub 2048R/207B1BA1 2010-09-02 [expires: 2011-09-02]

Key fingerprint = 98FA 414A 5C2A 0EF9 CFD0 AD0D F5CF 62B3 207B 1BA1

uid Steve Wills <[email protected]>

uid Steve Wills <[email protected]>

sub 2048R/E9B254FD 2010-09-02 [expires: 2011-09-02]

D.3.329. Thomas Wintergerst <[email protected]>

pub 1024D/C45CB978 2006-01-08

Key fingerprint = 04EE 8114 7C6D 22CE CDC8 D7F8 112D 01DB C45C B978

uid Thomas Wintergerst <[email protected]>

uid Thomas Wintergerst <[email protected]>

uid Thomas Wintergerst

uid Thomas Wintergerst <[email protected]>

uid Thomas Wintergerst <[email protected]>

sub 2048g/3BEBEF8A 2006-01-08

sub 1024D/8F631374 2006-01-08

sub 2048g/34F631DC 2006-01-08

D.3.330. Garrett Wollman <[email protected]>

pub 1024D/0B92FAEA 2000-01-20 Garrett Wollman <[email protected]>

Key fingerprint = 4627 19AF 4649 31BF DE2E 3C66 3ECF 741B 0B92 FAEA

sub 1024g/90D5EBC2 2000-01-20

D.3.331. Jörg Wunsch <[email protected]>

pub 1024D/69A85873 2001-12-11 Joerg Wunsch <[email protected]>

Key fingerprint = 5E84 F980 C3CA FD4B B584 1070 F48C A81B 69A8 5873

pub 1024D/69A85873 2001-12-11 Joerg Wunsch <[email protected]>

uid Joerg Wunsch <[email protected]>

uid Joerg Wunsch <[email protected]>

uid Joerg Wunsch <[email protected]>

sub 1024g/21DC9924 2001-12-11

D.3.332. David Xu <[email protected]>

pub 1024D/48F2BDAB 2006-07-13 [expires: 2009-07-12]

Key fingerprint = 7182 434F 8809 A4AF 9AE8 F1B5 12F6 3390 48F2 BDAB

uid David Xu <[email protected]>

sub 4096g/ED7DB38A 2006-07-13 [expires: 2009-07-12]

D.3.333. Maksim Yevmenkin <[email protected]>

pub 1024D/F050D2DD 2003-10-01 Maksim Yevmenkin <[email protected]>

Key fingerprint = 8F3F D359 E318 5641 8C81 34AD 791D 53F5 F050 D2DD

D.3.334. Bjoern A. Zeeb <[email protected]>

pub 1024D/3CCF1842 2007-02-20

Key fingerprint = 1400 3F19 8FEF A3E7 7207 EE8D 2B58 B8F8 3CCF 1842

uid Bjoern A. Zeeb <[email protected]>

uid Bjoern A. Zeeb <[email protected]>

uid Bjoern A. Zeeb <[email protected]>

uid Bjoern A. Zeeb <[email protected]>

sub 4096g/F36BDC5D 2007-02-20

D.3.335. Alexey Zelkin <[email protected]>

pub 1024D/9196B7D9 2002-01-28 Alexey Zelkin <[email protected]>

Key fingerprint = 4465 F2A4 28C1 C2E4 BB95 1EA0 C70D 4964 9196 B7D9

sub 1024g/E590ABA4 2002-01-28

D.3.336. Sepherosa Ziehau <[email protected]>

pub 2048R/3E51FB42 2005-10-21

Key fingerprint = 5F47 3861 7ABA 8773 9E32 0474 5C33 841C 3E51 FB42

uid Sepherosa Ziehau (freebsd) <[email protected]>

uid Sepherosa Ziehau (sephe) <[email protected]>

sub 2048R/7AA31321 2005-10-21

Глоссарий FreeBSD

Этот глоссарий содержит специфичные для документации и сообщества FreeBSD термины и сокращения.



См.: Access Control List


См.: Advanced Configuration and Power Interface


См.: Automatic Mount Daemon


См.: ACPI Machine Language


См.: Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller


См.: Advanced Power Management


См.: Authenticated Post Office Protocol


См.: ACPI Source Language


См.: Advanced Technology Attachment


См.: Asynchronous Transfer Mode

Дата публикования: 2015-01-10; Прочитано: 507 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

studopedia.org - Студопедия.Орг - 2014-2024 год. Студопедия не является автором материалов, которые размещены. Но предоставляет возможность бесплатного использования (0.017 с)...