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The people of Europe constitute about one-seventh of the world’s population. The vast majority of Europe’s inhabitants belong to the European geographic race. Europe is the most densely populated continent, yet it has the lowest rate of natural increase primarily because of low birth rates. In general, Europe's population is highly urbanized, with the degree of urbanization increasing in proportion to the degree of industrialization. Thus the United Kingdom and Germany are among Europe’s most urbanized countries, while Albania and Portugal are among its least urbanized.

Europe’s population is overwhelmingly Christian in religion, with all free major divisions of that faith (Roman Catholic, Protestant, Eastern Orthodoxy). There are some Muslims in southeastern Europe.

Europe has been a major source of emigrants for settlement and economic development of America, Australia, South Africa, New Zealand. Since the early 1800s estimated 60 million persons have emigrated overseas.


Politically fragmented Europe contains countries none of which covers much territory. Despite their small sizes their economics rank among the world’s most productive. All western European nations have democratic forms of government. Many are constitutional monarchies in which the rulers, whose powers are limited, share the powers of government with elected or appointed officials. The monarchies include kingdoms, such as the United Kingdom; principalities, such as Monaco and Liechtenstein and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 233 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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