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Say whether the following statements are true or false. 1. Asia covers over 30 percent of the land area on Earth

1. Asia covers over 30 percent of the land area on Earth.

2. Asia is bounded on the east by the Atlantic Ocean.

3. The surface of Asia includes mountains, low plains, tablelands, deserts regions, etc.

4. The Himalayas are situated in the central part of Asia.

5. The Aral Sea is the world’s largest body of inland water.

6. Monsoons occur in South Asia.

7. Vegetation types differ greatly depending on the parts of the continent.

8. The whole territory of Asia is densely populated.

9. Christianity was originated in Europe.

Fill in the blanks with the suitable words and word combinations from the text

1. Topographically, Asia is ………. system.

2. South Asia is a hot region under the control of ………..

3. Vast steppers are found in ………. of Asia.

4. ………. are Asia’s major saltwater lakes.

5. All three major races – ………. – make up Asia’s population.

6. ………. occupy about one fifths of the continent.

7. Asia is the birth place of ………..

8. The continent is situated between ………. 78 0N and 10N and ………. 26 0E and 170 0W.

9. Vegetation types range from the ………. in the north to the ………. in the southeast.

Make up a table distributing the enumerated animals between the different regions of Asia

The Arctic coast Taiga forests Central Asian Highlands Southern Asia

Animals: migratory birds, elephant, arctic fox, brown bear, elk, leopard, seal, walrus, marmot, cobra, the Siberian tiger, Arctic hare, lynx, wild yak, crocodile, snow leopard, sable, gibbon, peacock.

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 316 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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