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Say whether the following statements are true or false

1. Every map has a title, legend or key, a direction indicator and a scale.

2. A legend or key identifies what the map is about and what part of the earth it shows.

3. One of the ways to find directions on a map is to study the meridians and parallels.

4. Each degree can be broken into 60 seconds(").

5. The latitude of the Greenwich Meridian is 0 degrees.

6. The earth rotates from east to west.

7. The most useful maps properties are correct size, correct shape, correct distance, correct direction.

8. Maps of larger areas may have less distortion than maps of smaller areas.

Guess the words in brackets

1. An important town or city where the central government of a country is. (……….)

2. The relations between the size of a map, drawing, or model and actual size of the place or thing it represents. (……….)

3. An image of something that has been projected, especially an image of the world surface on a map. (……….)

4. An imaginary line drawn from north pole to the south pole over the surface of the Earth, used to show the position of places on a map. (……….)

5. An imaginary line drown on a map of the Earth, that is parallel to the equator. (……….)

6. The time as measured at Greenwich in London. (……….)

7. It explains the meaning of symbols and colors used on a map. (……….)

8. A sign in the shape of an arrow, used to show direction. (……….)

9. A kind of inaccuracy contained on maps. (……….)

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 402 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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