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What a Degree Costs

Mr. Thompson: I 've heard university studies are rather expensive in Britain.

Mr. Adams: Yes. My elder brother's eldest son is at the University of Manchester where he is studying medicine. And every now and then our family has to make a kind of collection to support that promising representative of the younger generation.

Mr. Thompson: What is the Manchester fee?

Mr. Adams: As far as I know, tuition for the undergraduate...

Mr. Thompson: I beg your pardon, for whom?

Mr. Adams: For the undergraduate or the student who hasn't yet taken a University degree.

Mr. Thompson: Did you say "degree"?

Mr. Adams: Yes. A University degree is a title given to a student who has finished a course of studies and passed his final examinations. By the way, a person who has taken a Degree of Bachelor, that is the lowest degree, is called a graduate, while any graduate who continues his studies or research to receive a Degree of Master or Doctor is called a post-graduate.

Mr. Thompson: But let's come back to that cost aspect.

Mr. Adams: Well, tuition for the undergraduate is about sixty pounds a year. A room in a house and the meals at the lodging-house (пансионат) cost about one hundred and sixty pounds a year. Then two hundred and twenty pounds must be added as the fee for the University sport club. As my nephew is a good student, he has been granted a scholarship of one hundred pounds a year. So, you see, the situation is not too bad.

Mr Thompson: You're lucky your nephew is at Manchester as Oxford charges are much higher. It seems to me that the majority of parents can't pay for their children's education, especially if the family is a large one.

Mr. Adams: Oh, a degree costs a lot today (1400)

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Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 636 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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