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Text 4 the state tax service

Exercise 4.1 Study the vocabulary:

1) the State Tax Service 1) Державна податкова служба
2) cost-effective 2) рентабельний
3) to comply with provisions 3) виконувати положення, постанови
4) executive power 4) виконавча влада
5) state tax policy 5) державна податкова політика
6) draw up 6) складати (документ)
7) to submit to 7) подавати (на розгляд)
8) to carry out 8) проводити, здійснювати
9) legal entity 9) юридична особа
10) tax rate 10) податкова ставка
11) to apply a differential approach 11) застосовувати диференційований підхід
12) invariability of taxes 12) незмінність (сталість) податків
13) tax exemption 13) звільнення від податку
14) economical validity 14) економічна обґрунтованість
15) uniformity of payment 15) однорідність оплати
16) budget receipts 16) бюджетні надходження
17) to abolish taxes 17) скасовувати податки
18) public confidence 18) громадська упевненість (довір’я)
19) accessibility 19) доступність, зрозумілість
20) to enhance the quality of life 20) підвищувати якість життя

Exercise 4.2 Read and translate the text:

Since 2011, the State Taxation Service (STS) – formerly the State Tax Administration has approximately 70 000 staff organized in a national network consisting of 27 regional offices and 654 city and district offices.

The STS has two main responsibilities: to collect tax revenue in a cost-effective manner and ensure that taxpayers comply with the provisions of the tax laws.

The State Tax Service of Ukraine is a central body of the executive power with the special status. The STS provides realization of the single state tax policy through:

• drawing up the proposals related to the legislation's improvement and submitting them for consideration to the President and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine in accordance with established procedure;

• carrying out the control over keeping with the tax legislation, correctness of calculations, completeness and timely payments to the budget, including taxes, collections and other payments and non-tax incomes, and deposits to the state funds, established in accordance with the Ukrainian legislation;

• organizing the state tax bodies' work.

The Service that provides a fair system of tax administration, is accessible and responsible to taxpayers, and contributes to a favorable economic climate.

The STS in its activity follows the Constitution of Ukraine, the Law "On the Tax Service in Ukraine", and other laws of Ukraine, acts of the President of Ukraine, acts of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and other legal acts.

The STS's activity is based on the following principals:

• stimulation of business and investment activity by establishing privileges aimed at growth of commitment - introduction of tax norms and establishment of taxpayers' liability to breach the tax law;

• equivalence and proportionality - tax collection of legal entities is exercised in accordance with received income;

• providing collection of taxes and duties proportionally to received profits;

• equality - tax discrimination cannot be tolerable, ensuring of equal approaches to all subjects of production (legal entities, individuals including non-residents) in defining the obligations on taxes and duties (obligatory payments);

• social justice that means supporting people of moderate scanty means by establishing free of income tax minimum and applying a differential approach to people of high living level (using differential progressive taxation);

• stability that means ensuring of invariability of taxes and tax rates, tax exemptions during a budget year;

• economical validity - establishing of taxes, duties (obligatory payments) on the basis of indicators of national economy development and financial abilities;

• uniformity of payment - establishment of terms for paying taxes must proceed from necessity of providing the opportune budget receipts to finance costs;

• competence - establishing and abolishing taxes, tax exemptions to tax payers are made according to the taxation legislation;

• single approach to the tax laws drafting with determining the payer of taxes and duties, the object of taxation, tax payments' sources, the taxable period, tax rates, terms and the procedure for paying taxes, grounds for tax exemptions;

• accessibility - taxes must be understandable to taxpayers.

The main goal of the State Tax Service of Ukraine is to make the tax system in Ukraine work to fund the public services that both ensures public confidence in our integrity, effectiveness, fairness and preserves, enhances the quality of life for all citizens Tax system - a complex of taxes, duties and payments defined in a state, which are interrelated and mutually complementary but have different purposefulness.

Exercise 4.3 Insert the missing prepositions in the sentences below:

of in to with out

1. The State Tax Service of Ukraine is a central body __ the executive power __ the special status.

2. The STS carries __ the control over keeping __ the tax legislation, correctness __ calculation, completeness and timely payments __ the budget.

3. Equivalence and proportionality – tax collection of legal entities is exercised __ accordance __ received income.

4. Tax exemptions __ taxpayers are made according __ the tax legislation.

5. Accessibility – taxes must be understandable __taxpayers.

Exercise 4.4 Read the text again and write the English equivalents for the following words and word combinations:

1. Центральний орган –

2. Виконавча влада –

3. Єдина державна податкова політика –

4. Відповідно до встановленої процедури –

5. Дотримання податкового законодавства –

6. Сприятливий економічний клімат –

7. Інвестиційна діяльність –

8. Забезпечення рівноправного підходу до всіх суб’єктів виробництва –

9. Суспільна справедливість –

10. Обмежені засоби –

11. Фінансові можливості –

12. Фінансувати витрати –

13. Підстави для звільнення від податку –

14. Доступність -

Exercise 4.5 Choose the word that best completes the sentence:

1) Stability / Equality means ensuring of invariability of taxes and tax rates, tax exemptions during a budget year.

2) Accessibility / Competence means establishing and abolishing taxes, tax exemptions to taxpayers are made according to the tax legislation.

3) Economical validity/ Social justice means establishing of taxes, duties on the basis of indicators of national economy development and financial abilities.

4).The STS has to collect tax revenue in a cost-effective/ non-profitable manner.

5) The STS of Ukraine is a central body of the legislative/ executive power with the special status.

6) The STS provides realization of the single state tax police/ policy.

Exercise 4.6 Match the two parts of the sentences:

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 395 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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