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Text 1 judiciary in Ukraine

Exercise 1.1 Study the vocabulary:

1) requirements 1) вимоги
2) experience 2) досвід
3) bribe 3) хабар
4) pressure 4) тиск
5) severity 5) складність
6) judicial review 6) судовий перегляд
7) bribe 7) хабар
8) to be incarcerated 8) бути ув’язненим
9) trial 9) судовий процес
10) “rotten to core” 10) наскрізь зіпсований
11) to be in smb’s line 11) бути в компетенції
12) suspect 12) підозрюваний

Exercise 1.2 Read and translate the text:

The judicial system of Ukraine is outlined in the 1996 Constitution of Ukraine. Before this there was neither notion of judicial review nor any Supreme Court since 1991's Ukrainian independence.

Although judicial independence exists in principle, in practice there is little separation of juridical and political powers. Judges are subjected to pressure by political and business interest. Ukraine's court system is widely regarded as corrupt. A Ukrainian Justice Ministry 2009 survey revealed that only 10 percent of respondents trusted the nation’s court system. Less than 30 percent believed that it was still possible to get a fair trial. Ukrainian politicians and analyst have described the system of justice in Ukraine as "rotten to the core" and have complained about political pressure put on judges and corruption. Ukrainian judges have been arrested while taking bribe.

Court judges maintained a 99.5 percent conviction rate from 2005 till 2008, equal to the conviction rate of the Soviet Union. Suspects are often incarcerated for long periods before trial.

The court system, until 2001, remained similar to that which existed under the former Soviet regime. In July 2001, a series of laws was passed designed to bring existing legislation regarding the judiciary and the administration of justice more in line with the requirements for an independent judiciary. The three levels of courts are rayon (also known as regional or people's courts), oblast (provincial) courts, and the Supreme Court. All three levels serve as courts of first instance, the choice of level varying with the severity of the crime. A case heard in first instance at the rayon level can be appealed through the next two higher stages. A case heard in first instance in the Supreme Court is not subject to appeal or review. A 1992 law added a Constitutional Court to the existing system. The Constitutional Court consists of 18 members appointed for 9-year terms. It is the final interpreter of legislation and the constitution, and it determines the constitutionality of legislation, presidential edicts, cabinet acts, and acts of the Crimean autonomous republic.

The Rada (Supreme Council) selects judges on recommendation from the Ministry of Justice based partly upon government test results. Oblast and Supreme Court judges must have five years of experience in order to be appointed and may not be members of political parties.

The constitution, adopted in 1996, provides that the judiciary is funded separately from the Ministry of Justice to ensure an independent judiciary. Because the courts are funded by the Ministry of Justice, however, they have been subject to executive influence, and have suffered from corruption and inefficiency.

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 672 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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