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Task 5. Choose the correct answer

1. What does physics deal with?

a) matter and energy and the relationships that exist between them

b) modern and classical physics

c) the conservation laws

2. What is classical physics based on?

a) the laws of motion and gravitation of Sir Isaac Newton

b) the theory of electromagnetic radiation of James Clerk Maxwell

c) both

3. What are matter and energy in classical physics?

a) They are disconnected.

b) They are two interchangeable concepts.

c) Matter is anything that occupies space and has mass; energy is the capacity to move matter.

4. What is modern physics based on?

a) the theory of relativity of Albert Einstein

b) the quantum theory of Max Planck and others

c) both

5. What are matter and energy in modern physics?

a) They are separate concepts.

b) They are alternate forms of each other.

c) Matter and energy are interchangeable.

Task 6. Complete the sentences according to the text «What is Physics?» in your own words.

1. Physics is the science that ….

2. The various laws of physics are ….

3. Classical physics is ….

4. Modern physics is ….

Task 7. Summarize one of the paragraphs of the text.

See Appendix 1).

Task 8. Enjoy the poem and say the names of the prominent scientists in physics mentioned in the poem.

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 574 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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