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Exercise 16. Do the following multiple choice test

1. I don’t approve of your behavior. You’d better stop... with everybody.

a. to quarrel

b. quarreling

c. quarrel

2. Helen seemed genuinely pleased... seeing me.

a. with

b. at

c. on

3. Much depends... your making a decision at the right time.

a. on

b. at

c. about

4. The teacher had to stop several times... the rule because she saw that it was difficult for the children to understand it.

a. explaining

b. to explain

c. explain

5. If I were you, I’d think twice... accepting their invitation. There is something fishy about it.

a. before

b. through

c. on

6. Bob found himself in an awkward situation... coming to see his friend too early.

a. without

b. for

c. through

7. Let’s get together tonight. I want to talk about... a new business.

a. opening

b. open

c. to open

8. I am not at all sure if Arthur is really interested... the truth.

a. in learning

b. to learn

c. learn

9. He was suspected... concealing important information from the police.

a. of

b. in

c. at

10. The child hurt her leg badly and started to complain... having severe pains in it.

a. of

b. about

c. at

11. We can’t help... knowledgeable and industrious people.

a. to admire

b. admiring

c. being admired

12. Don’t be afraid... into the swimming pool; it’s quite deep.

a. of diving

b. to dive

c. dive

13. Speaking... thinking is like shooting without aim.

a. without

b. on

c. by

14. I know it’s my fault. I’d like to beg your pardon... letting you down.

a. by

b. for

c. on

15.... washing up, she dropped a plate and nearly broke it.

a. while

b. without

c. by


GRAMMAR: Infinitive. Infinitive vs. Gerund

TEXTS: “Fiber-Optic Technology”; “Copper and Technology”

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