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Exercise 2. Open the brackets

1. We insist on … (do) the work right now. 2. … (use) the same glass and paper again is called “recycling”. 3. It has been wonderful … (meet) this professor again. 4. Avoid … (ask) personal questions. It’s not polite. 5. After … (destroy) Pompeii has never been rebuilt. 6. … (enter) the Internet, you enter the world of information. 7. His … (arrest) was a surprise for his collaborators. 8. I am sure of their … (finished) the test work. 9. They don’t have any chance of their not … (see) by the police. 10. In spite of … (study) for the whole week he did not manage to pass the exam.

Exercise 3. Complete sentences with the verbs in the box putting them in the correct form.

apply ask be listen make make see try use wash work write

1. The professor tried to avoid … tricky questions.

2. Could you stop … so much noise. I’ve got a headache.

3. I enjoy … to his every lecture.

4. I considered … for this position, but I was unlucky.

5. Have you finished … the dishes? It’s time to go out.

6. If you don’t follow safety rules, you risk … injured.

7. The professor is an elderly man but he wants to keep on ….

8. I don’t mind you … the phone unless you phone abroad.

9. Hallo! I’m surprised at … you here. I thought you had left long ago.

10. I’ve put off … the article so many times. I really must do it this week.

11. What a nonsense! Can you imagine anybody … the same mistake all the time.

12. Mary gave up … to enter this university and decided to move to another city.

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 310 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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