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Ex. 1. Be ready to answer the questions.

1. Employment discrimination can be based on age, gender and race-are there other categories you can think of?

2. Are women and men employed as equals in your country, in terms of pay and conditions?

Ex. 2. Read the text about an important case about discrimination against women in the workplace and answer these questions.

1) What is the case about?

2) Where is the case being heard?

3) Who brought the appeal-the ADA or Ms Kolstad?

4) What types of discrimination are mentioned in the text?

5) Why did Ms Kolstad sue the ADA?

6) Was there any dispute about the facts of the discrimination against Ms Kolstad?

7) What was the lower Appeals Court’s decision?

8) Which organisation is mentioned that supports the ADA?

9) If the Supreme Court decides in favour of Ms Kolstad, how much may she receive in damages?

Ex. 3. Choose the best explanation for each of these words or phrases from the text.

1. knock-on effect a) blow to the body b) wider consequences c) entry requirement 3. reckless indifference a) driving without care b) heartless and cruel c) not caring about the consequences 5. brief a) short letter b) legal document c) kind of case
2. malice a) friendliness b) with bad or cruel intention c) unintentional 4. upholds a) reverses b) agrees with and supports c) sets a standard 6. caps a) sets an upper limit b) interferes c) is the head

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 625 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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