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Pre-listening task

Tobecome a highly- qualified professional everyone needs to get a good education and have a certificate about it. To have a successful career everyone is to have good skills and get valuable experience. Sometimes people are lucky to choose a job they enjoy the whole their lives, but we pity those who mistake their vocation.

Do you know the meaning of all the words in bold? Now explain the difference between the following pairs of words.

1. career and profession

2. vocation and job

3. certificate and qualification

4. skills and experience

5. work and job

Now, listen to the explanation Gareth Rees gives to Giuliana from Italy about the last pair of words. Is your explanation correct? Answer the questions Gareth Rees asks Giuliana.

Ex. 1. Work Compounds. Each work word in this exercise is a compound word – one word made out of two separate words. Make the twelve work terms by combining one word from the left-hand box with one word from the right-hand box.

down work burn in- low flex labor- jury- blue- hard head green- hat time intensive rig load carder out time hunter ball house collar
  1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. exhaustion of physical or emotional strength a construction worker describes work or projects carried on within an organization to give a customer a deceptively low price or cost estimate refers to industrial workers, especially semiskilled and unskilled labor period during which a machine or factory is shut down to put something together for temporary use the amount of work assigned for completion in a given time system in which employees can choose their working hours an alien granted permission to reside and work in the United States requiring a large labor force and small investment in capital goods agent specializing in recruitment of highly skilled workers or managers

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 398 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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