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Reading. Упражнение 1. Поставьте глаголы в Present Simple.

TASK № 5


Упражнение 1. Поставьте глаголы в Present Simple.

1. - What ________ (your mum/do) for a living?

-She is a nurse. She _______ (take) care of people in hospitals.

2. – I ________ (not / like) travelling all the time.

-Really? I _______ (not / mind) it.

3. - _________ (Carol / still go) to university?

- Yes, she does. She is in her last year.

4. – Where _______ (Alex / live)?

- He _______ (live) at 17, Denver Road.

Упражнение 2. Поставьте глаголы в Past Simple.

1. - Where _____ (you/go) last night, Paul?

- I _____ (go) to the cinema with my friend, Susan.

2. - What _____ (she/have) for breakfast?

- She _____ (eat) pancakes with syrup.

3. – They _____ (see) their favourite band play in concert.

- Wow! _____(they/enjoy) it?

4. – Why _____(you/leave) school yesterday?

- Because I _____ (not/be) well. I ………… (go) home.

5. – Be quiet! I _____ (hear) something outside the window.

- That’s strange. I _____ (not/hear) anything.

Упражнение 3. Выберите правильную форму глагола (be going to or will).

1. - Your shirt is dirty.

- I know. I _____ (wash) it later.

2. – What are you buying John for his birthday?

_ I don’t know. I think I _____ (buy) him a camera.

3. – I’ve got a headache.

- I _____ (get) you an aspirin.

4. - What are you doing tonight?

- We _____(watch) a football match. Here are the tickets.

5. – Did you post the invitations?

- Oh, I’m sorry, I forgot. I _____ (post) them now.

6. – Bye Jane! I _____ (call) you later.

- OK.

Test 1

1. I ……… with my parents.

a) lives b) live c) to live

2. …….. you study a lot?

a) Does b) Is c) Do

3. I …….. work in the centre of the city.

a) don’t b) doesn’t c) isn’t

4. She ……… two languages.

a) speaks b) speak c) to speak

5. ………… computer games a lot?

a) Do he plays b) Does he play c) Does he plays

6 She ……… watch TV every day.

a) don’t b) doesn’t c) isn’t

7. My dog watches TV with me. (always)

a) My dog watches always TV with me.

b) My dog always watches TV with me.

c) My dog watches TV with me always.

8. We _____ (eat) in a restaurant last night.

a) ate b) eated c) eat

9. When _____ (she/see) him in the office?

a) did she saw b) do she see c) did she see

10. He _____ (not/play) well at the concert yesterday.

a) doesn’t play b) didn’t play c) not played

11. She can _____ German.

a) speaking b) to speak c) speak

12. _____ she play the guitar?

a) Can b) Do c) Are

13. She _____ open the door.

a) doesn’t can b) not can c) can’t

14. _____ stay with their friends?

a) Are they go to b) Are they going to c) Going they to

15. I _____ read this book.

a) am not going to b) am not going c) am not go to


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