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Slag glass-ceramic

Slag glass-ceramic is a modern highly durable and decorative material suitable for arranging external and internal walls of buildings and structures, lining for protecting against dry and hydroabrasive wear of diverse surfaces in technology. Slag glass-ceramic has no foreign analogs as it was developed in our country and is not manufactured in other countries. Slag glass-ceramic is a glass ceramic material of a fine-grain structure produced by means of oriented crystallization of glass on the basis of blast-furnace slag.

Low-cost starting material, highly mechanized method of production along with high performance render the slag glass-ceramic competitive with respect to traditional materials in similar application. Slag glass-ceramic is a chemically stable wear-resistant waterproof material featuring high mechanical strength and hardness. It has practically unlimited service life, since its properties do not change over time. The high resistance to the effect of abrasive and corrosive media makes it possible to efficiently use slag glass-ceramic in lining the hoppers, troughs, chutes, flotation machine housings, funnels, classifiers, chemical apparatus, gas ducts, as well as of inclined flyovers and other structures in mineral concentration, chemical, electrical engineering, metallurgical, power and other industries and in agriculture. The structures fabricated with the use of slag glass-ceramic meet the stringent sanitary requirements.

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 382 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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