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EXERCISES. 1. The Chernobyl disaster is thought to be

1. The Chernobyl disaster is thought to be …

a) as serious as Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings;

b) a minor accident with no future consequences;

c) one of many similar accidents;

d) Europe’s greatest catastrophe.

2. When the Chernobyl-4 reactor overheated …

a) technicians turned it down;

b) it melted the core;

c) the power plants was filled with steam;

d) it sealed the lid of the reactor shut.

3. One of the causes of the accident was …

a) the raising of the power in 4th reactor to high levels;

b) a design faults;

c) the installation of proper safety back-up systems;

d) the technicians lack of confidence.

4. The 4th reactor explosion resulted in the …

a) spread of the heavier radioactive material by the wind;

b) immediate death of 200,000 people;

c) release of dust and debris into the atmosphere;

d) release of the 4th reactor’s cover.

5. Most of the people who died as a result of the explosion were…

a) firefighters;

b) members of clean- up crew;

c) operators of the reactor;

d) children.

6. The members of clean-up crew…

a) developed thyroid cancer;

b) put out the fires;

c) were subject to high levels of radiation;

d) were unharmed by the radiation.

7. Reactor-4…

a) is steel leaking radiation;

b) is enclosed in cement;

c) will be replaced in future;

d) cost millions of dollars.

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 1801 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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