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Answer the questions. 1. When did pollution appear?

1. When did pollution appear?

2. When did pollution increase?

3. In what ways did pollution increase?

4. How can the study of pollution be divided?

5. What sources of air pollution do you know?

6. Where does much dust come from?

7. What are the main atmospheric pollutants?

8. What can smog cause?

9. What is the worst type of water pollution?

10. What do solid wastes include?

11. What steps are taken to prevent pollution of the air, water and land?

12. Is it possible to achieve a progress in preventing cities from pollution?

2. Translate the following word-combinations:

industrial activity; environmental protection; fundamental principles; unburned carbon; mineral content; lead bromide; urban areas; earth’s surface; carbon monoxide; extensive damage; ocean water; discharged gases; extensive measures.

3. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian:

1. The present figures are not enough to complete this work. 2. They had to present all the available data by the end of the year. 3. Everyone who was present at the conference should present this report. 4. They caused the machine start working. 5. The cause of his failure can be easily understood. 6. The tasks to be solved at our conference are of great significance. 7. If you heat this substance it can be solved very soon. 8. The use of natural gas is of great help in reducing pollution. 9. If the weather is fine the plane will land at 5 p.m. 10. The pollution of the land mass is to be investigated very thoroughly.

4. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian:

1. The problem to be solved deals with environmental protection. 2. Some chemical processes to be considered were of great importance. 3. Raw materials to be used for manufacture of some chemicals can be obtained in this region. 4. The discovery to be made in the field of nuclear physics was of great value. 5. The substances to be purified should be carefully treated. 6. The lecture to be followed by the experiment was devoted to pollution. 7. The figures to be referred to should be arranged in the table.

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 566 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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