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Answer the questions. 1. What have the chemists and biologists long been surprised by?

1. What have the chemists and biologists long been surprised by?

2. What does the solar system consist of?

3. Is there much helium in the earth crust?

4. What eight elements can provide more than 98% of the atoms in the

earth’s crust?

5. What two elements account for 88.5% of the atoms in the human body?

6. What element is more plentiful, silicon or carbon?

7. What elements make up the molecular building-blocks of living matter?

8. What do the electrochemical properties of living matter depend on?

2. Find the pairs of synonyms:

lately, to account, for, recently, essential, to provide, to explain, to supply,

amount, important, quantity.

3. Find the pairs of antonyms:

existent, clear, disappear, negative, unlike, charge, appear, like, stable, to

gain, artificial, unclear, unstable, to lose, discharge, positive, non-existent,


4. Translate paying attention to the meanings of the word “provide”

1. The steel may be provided with the desired degree of hardness depending on the temperature to which it is reheated. 2. To provide the laboratory with necessary equipment much money should be spent. 3. Our new laboratory is provided with gas and running water. 4. The materials provided by nature can no longer satisfy the rapidly developing technology. 5. The mass spectrum can be used to provide unique information concerning the molecular structure of some unknown compounds. 6. They will apply these new methods provided they are effective enough.

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 613 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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