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Answer the questions. 1. How is hydrogen chloride prepared in a laboratory?

1. How is hydrogen chloride prepared in a laboratory?

2. Is the mixture cooled while preparing hydrogen chloride?

3. What does the reaction of the sulphuric acid and the sodium chloride yield?

4. Where is hydrogen chloride collected?

5. Is oxygen evolved in this reaction?

6. What does hydrogen chloride gas form when it is dissolved in water?

7. What is the usual laboratory method of preparing hydrogen?

8. How is hydrochloric acid prepared?

2. Give Ukrainian equivalents:

1. a small flame а. як показано

2. the usual method b. невелика кількість

3. as shown c. через трубку

4. a small amount d. звичайний метод

5. through the tube e. слабке полум’я

3. Translate the sentences:

1. We place the sodium chloride in the flask and add sulphuric acid through the funnel. 2. The hydrogen chloride gas displaces air from the bottle. 3. A metal replaces hydrogen in an acid. 4. If we mix metallic zinc with dilute hydrochloric acid, zinc replaces the hydrogen in the hydrogen chloride. 5. We know that thermonuclear fusion reactions can yield high temperatures. 6. Research on this matter may yield information useful to the construction of such a device. 7. The discovery of X-rays has yielded certain branches of medicine, radiology, radiotherapy and crystallography. 8. The experiment yielded no results. 9. The yield in this branch of industry contributed much to national economy. 10. The word laboratory is used to denote any room or building devoted to experimental investigation in techniques and sciences for purpose of advancing man's knowledge of special applications of natural laws.

4. Make the questions to the sentences:

1. Не usually carries out the experiments in the laboratory of inorganic chemistry. 2. She studied at school last year. 3. He will study English at the Institute. 4. I get up at 7 o'clock. It takes me 45 minutes to get to the Institute. 5. I lived far from the Institute last year. 6. He will not go to the theatre tomorrow. 7. They went to the theatre yesterday. 8. We go to the cinema on Sundays. 9. They study in the reading-hall every day. 10. We shall finish the experiment tomorrow. 11. The students passed all the exams in January.

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 631 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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