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End of empire

In 1945, Britain still had the largest empire in the world. This empire had largely been granted independence by 1964, beginning with independence for India and Pakistan in 1947.

Fragments remained. A war was successfully fought with Argentina in 1982 when the latter attacked the Falkland Islands, a colony inhabited by British settlers since 1833.

The most populous of Britain's remaining colonies, Hong Kong, was only handed over to China in 1997.

Britain became an active member of international organisations, not least the United Nations.

As empire receded fast, Britain seemed a diminished power. Nonetheless, it became the third state in the world to gain the atom bomb in1952, followed by the hydrogen bomb in 1957.

Defence in the post-war era largely consisted of the protection of Western Europe against the threat of Soviet invasion, and Britain played a key role in this confrontation which became known as the Cold War.

Britain became an active member of international organisations, not least the United Nations, of which it was a founder member and held a permanent seat on the Security Council.

Britain was also a founder member of North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) in 1949, and sent a contingent of troops to take part in the Korean War (1950 - 1953) against Communist North Korea.

Closer to home, troops were deployed in Northern Ireland from 1969 in response to an outbreak of sectarian violence, which rapidly became a major terrorist challenge. In the 1990s, a peaceful end to the 'Troubles' was negotiated, but tension continues.

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 229 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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