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Task 2. Answer the following questions using the key words and phrases in brackets

· What was the origin of the Angevin dynasty on the English throne?

(named after the French province Anjou; had their roots in the civil war between two cousins, Stephen and Matilda; Stephen seized (захватил) the crown; Matilda married Jeffrey of Anjou, nicknamed Plantagenet; the son, Henry)

· What can you say about the early years of Henry II?

(inherited steely single-mindedness, physical courage and foul (скверный) temper (характер); charm and military intelligence; a perfect candidate became available; Aquitaine was the greatest prize; grandeur, territory, wealth and glamour; a deal was struck; heir; crowned in Westminster Abby; colossal inheritance)

· What were Henry’s main steps in strengthening the royal power and administration in England? (monasteries were founded at a record pace; shire courts; sheriffs; judge and war lord; protect the church, preserve intact the lands of your ancestors, do justice, suppress evil laws and customs; professional courts; Law now had its own kind of majesty)

· Describe the development of relations and conflict between Henry II and Thomas Becket (spiritual civil war; the strongest pillar (оплот) of Henry’s administration; the first commoner; a merchant’s son; he enjoyed good food and drink; Chancellor*; the match of opposites; the Archbishop of Canterbury; directly anointed by God; subordinate relation of Church to King; “No traitor to the King, the priest of God”)

government in exile – правительство в изгнании;

sense of self-righteousness - уверенность в своей правоте;

traitor archbishop – архиепископ - предатель;

reconcile -помириться;

excommunicate – отлучить от церкви;

arrogance -высокомерие;

· What events marked the last years of Henry II reign?

(pilgrimage to Canterbury; barefoot; confessed his sins; whipped by the monks; crowned criminals; a thriving (процветающая) network of courts; humiliation (унижение) of a string of mistresses; betrayed and alienated Eleanor turned her formidable energy and intellect to get her justice through her children; rebelled only to die of dysentery; trampled to death (затоптан насмерть) by a horse; chivalrous (рыцарственный), brutally ambitious; vindictive (мстительный); pinned her hopes; faced defeat;)

· What were the main features of Henry’s sons Richard and John’s reigns?

(the darling (любимец) of popular folklore and legend; mercenary army(армия наемников); plight (несчастье); ransom (выкуп); wretched failure; blackmail and extortion; loss of Normandy;)

· In what way was Magna Charta important for the development of the political system of England?

(from defeat sprang rebellion; the liberties boil down(права сводятся к) to tax relief; the death certificate of despotism; accountable to the sovereignty of law)

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 538 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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