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Careers in Marketing

Marketing is a vital necessity not only for business firms, but is also performed by governments, educational, religious, social services, and nonprofit organizations or institutions. Marketing provides a great number and variety of job opportunities available to you no matter which career track you decide to follow.

There are different career tracks in marketing that you can follow. You can find many opportunities in marketing in the following categories:

· Market Research

· Brand Management

· Advertising

· Promotions

· Public Relations

Marketing often appeals to not only creative thinkers, but also numbers-minded statisticians. While many jobs in marketing are appealing, keep in mind that you must be willing to work long hours and not mind working evenings and / or weekends. It was reported that in the year 2000 38% of advertising, public relations, and marketing managers worked an average of 50 hours per week. You must be able to work well under pressure and thrive off meeting deadlines and goals that are set. In some positions substantial travel is not uncommon.

Vocabulary Notes:

1. vital necessity [`vaıtəl nə`sesıti] – нагальна необхідність;

2. nonprofit organization – громадська, некомерційна організація (орга-нізація, метою якої є не отримання прибутку, а виконання якихось соціально значущих функцій; наприклад, благодійна, просвітницька, професійна організація, освітній або науковий інститут);

3. job opportunity – вакансія (вільне робоче місце); можливість отримання роботи;

4. no matter – байдуже, немає значення;

5. career track – кар’єрний шлях;

6. market research – аналіз кон’юнктури ринку; аналіз стану ринку; вивчення кон’юнктури; аналіз кон’юнктури; вивчення ринку;

7. brand management – управління (торговельною) маркою, бренд-менеджмент (планування та загальна координація маркетингової діяльності компанії, що стосується певної марки товару);

8. promotion – стимулювання збуту; просування товарів на ринок; реклама; знижка на новий товар (тимчасова);

9. public relations (PR) – паблік рілейшнз; зв’язки з громадськістю; робота з громадськістю; організація громадської думки; формування громадської думки;

10. creative thinker – творчий мислитель;

11. numbers-minded – такий, що переймається цифрами;

12. appealing job [ə`pi:əlıŋ] – приваблива, принадна робота;

13. to work long hours – подовжений робочий день, продовжені години роботи (ситуація, коли тривалість робочого часу впродовж дня перевищує звичайність; зазвичай йдеться про графік роботи, за якого загальна тривалість робочого тижня становить більше 40-48 год.);

14. to thrive off [θraıv] – справлятися;

15. deadline [`dedlaın]– крайній строк (термін) (виплати боргу, виходу газети тощо);

ask 3. а) Study the following words.

marketer / marketing executive / marketing director / marketing analyst / sales & marketing executive / marketing manager / recruiter / sales representative / advertiser / PR man

· arketer [`mα:kıtə] / [`mα:rkətə] – спеціаліст з маркетингу, маркетолог; купець; закупник; збувальник; торговець, продавець (індивід або фірма, які займаються просуванням та реалізацією товару від свого імені або ж в якості торговельного агента); · marketing executive [`mα:kıtıŋ ıg`zekjutıv] – маркетинговий керівник; · marketing director [`mα:kıtıŋ daıə`rektə] – маркетинговый директор, директор з маркетингу; · marketing analyst [`mα:kıtıŋ `æn ə lıst] – маркетолог, маркетинговий аналітик (спеціаліст із вивчення ринку, проведення маркетингового дослідження); спеціаліст із вивчення ринків збуту; · telemarketer [ֽtelı`mα:kıtə] – телемаркетер; той, хто продає товари або послуги через елкетронні повідомлення; спеціаліст із телефонного маркетингу; · marketing manager [`mα:kıtıŋ `mænıGə] – менеджер з маркетингу (ке-руючий відділом маркетингу на фірмі, обов’язками якого є розробка маркетингової стратегії компанії, контроль за організацією та про-ведення маркетингових заходів і діяльності збуту); агент із збуту, ме-неджер з маркетингу; завідувач відділу збуту, керівник із маркетингу; · recruiter [rı`kru:tə] – вербувальник, спеціаліст із підбору персоналу, ре-крутер (особа чи фірма, які здійснюють підбір спеціалістів за заданими роботодавцем критеріями; входить у групу); агент з найму кадрів; · sales representative[`seıəlz ֽreprı`zentətıv] / [`seıəlz ֽreprı`zen t ətıv] – тор-говельний представник; агент із продажу товарів; комісіонер; торго-вельний представник (представник фірми, який пропонує оптовим по-купцям товари або послуги за наявними у нього зразками, каталогами); · advertiser [`ædvətaızə] / [`ædvərtaızə] – рекламодавець (людина або організація, які сплачують створення та розміщення рекламного оголошення); рекламне видання (журнал або газета з рекламою); · PR man (PR expert) [ֽpi:`α:] / [ֽpi:`α:r] – спеціаліст (професіонал) по зв’язкам із громадськістю.

b) Match the above job titles with their respective responsibilities.

1. someone whose job involves marketing;

2. a person involved in developing marketing campaigns that promote a product, service or idea; their role includes planning, advertising, public relations, organising events, product development, distribution, sponsorship and research; the work is often challenging, varied and exciting.

3. someone who directs firm’s overall marketing and strategic planning programs, and corporate communications; facilitates client development through marketing and client services programs.

4. a person who collects and analyzes data to evaluate existing and potential product and service markets; it is the responsibility of identifying and monitoring competitors and researching market conditions or changes in the industry that may affect sales;

5. a person who solicits to prospective customers to buy products or services, either over the phone or through a subsequent face to face or Web conferencing appointment scheduled during the call;

6. a person who initiates and executes all marketing for an organisation; he / she usually reports to the Head of Marketing and plays a key role within the marketing team; such an expert usually manages his / her own team made up of Marketing Assistants;

7. someone engaged in recruitment, which is the solicitation of individuals to fill jobs or positions within any group, such as a corporation or sports team; such experts can be divided into two groups: those working internally for one organization, and those working for multiple clients in a third-party broker relationship, variously called headhunters, agency recruiters, recruitment consultants or agents.

8. a representative, a person who represents the company and showcases and sells products; such experts sell their companies’ products or services to customers; their customers may be individuals, businesses, factories or retail outlets.

9. a person or company that pays for a product, event, or job to be advertised in a newspaper, on television, or on a poster;

10. someone employed to arrange publicity (for a firm or a public figure);

Task 4. The word “MARKETER” has a wide range of meanings:

торговець, продавець (індивід або фірма, що займається просуванням і реалізацією товару від свого імені або в якості торговельного агента);

Task 5. a) Study the following derivatives and word-combinations with “MARKETEER”.



b) Which of the above words and word combinations mean:

· прихильник вільного ринку;

· спекулянт; той, хто торгує на чорному ринку;

· прихильник вступу країни до Спільного ринку;

· той, хто виступає проти вступу країни до Спільного ринку?

Task 6. a) The following words frequently occur before “MARKETING”.


b) Translate into English:

1. мережевий маркетинг;

2. багаторівневий маркетинг (вид маркетингу, який ґрунтується на ство-ренні мережі покупців-продавців; дистриб’ютори фірми-виробника, продавши певний товар, просять покупця за певну плату знайти нових покупців, яких у сою чергу просять знайти чергових покупців і т.д.);

3. збут без посередників;

4. сарафановий маркетинг (просування продукту шляхом розповсюдження інформації про продукт із вуст простих людей у громадських місцях, на веб-форумах і т.д.; інформація, що поширюється має неформальний, інтригуючий широкий загал характер);

5. маркетинг зворотного зв’язку, маркетинг поглиблення, інтенсивний маркетинг (стратегія і тактика організації продажу додаткових товарів споживачам, з якими вже працювали);

6. маркетинг (маркетингова політика, реклама)виробника (дії, які здійснює безпосередній виробник продукту для реклами і просування свого продукту);

7. соціально-етичний маркетинг (прийняття рішень у галузі маркетингу з урахування довгострокових інтересів суспільства в цілому);

8. “вірусний маркетинг” (у практиці якого використовуються принципи, аналогічні тим, на яких ґрунтується робота комп’ютерних вірусів).

b) Which of the above terms is being defined? (Take into account the following synonyms: direct marketing = multilevel marketing; buzz marketing = viral marketing).

· a method of marketing which involves companies sending advertising mate-rial directly to people who they think may be interested in their products;

· a very inexpensive form of marketing because the largest expense relating to marketing (customer acquisition) has already been incurred;

· marketing that takes into account society’s long-term welfare; the marketing of a social or charitable cause, such as an environmental campaign;

· a direct marketing technique in which a company persuades internet users to forward its publicity material in e-mails (usually by including jokes, games, video clips, etc.);

· selling goods directly to consumers rather than through retailers, usually by mail order, direct-mail shot, newspaper advertising, door-to-door selling, telephone selling, the Internet, or television home-shopping channels;

· marketing technique whereby information about a company’s goods or services is passed electronically from one Internet user to another; a method of product promotion that relies on getting customers to market an idea, product, or service on their own by telling their friends about it, usually by e-mail.

Task 7. Translate into Ukrainian.

1. The direct marketing industry has become adept at packaging special offers. 2. Direct marketing on the Internet needs to be conducted with particular care. 3. We believe IT research shouldn’t be influenced by vendor marketing. 4. Don’t be fooled by vendor marketing. 5. Buzz marketing or simply buzz is a term used in word-of-mouth marketing. The interaction of consumers and users of a product or service serves to amplify the original marketing message. 6. Examples of products with strong buzz marketing upon introduction were Harry Potter, the Volkswagen New Beetle, Pokémon, Beanie Babies, and the Blair Witch Project. 7. The societal marketing concept is an enlightened marketing concept that holds that a company should make good marketing decisions by considering consumers’ wants, the company’s requirements, and society’s long-term interests. 8. Societal marketing should not be confused with social marketing. The societal marketing concept was a forerunner of sustainable marketing in integrating issues of social responsibility into commercial marketing strategies. In contrast to that, social marketing uses commercial marketing theories, tools and techniques to social issues. 9. The buzzwords viral marketing and viral advertising refer to marketing techniques that use pre-existing social networks to produce increases in brand awareness or to achieve other marketing objectives. 10. Viral marketing can be word-of-mouth delivered or enhanced by the network effects of the Internet. 11. There is debate on the origination and the popularization of the term viral marketing, though some of the earliest uses of the current term are attributed to Harvard Business School graduate, Tim Draper and Harvard Business School faculty member Jeffrey Rayport. 12. Backend marketing is extremely important for long-term business growth and for the overall success of a sales and marketing venture, online or off. 13. Backend marketing is a very inexpensive form of marketing because the largest expense relating to marketing (customer acquisition) has already been incurred or absorbed.

14. Despite the benefits of backend marketing (low cost, higher conversions, higher profits, etc.) it’s the most ignored form of business-to-business and business-to-consumer marketing strategy. 15. Multilevel marketing (MLM), (also called network marketing) is a term that describes a marketing structure used by some companies as part of their overall marketing strategy. 16. Network marketing is a general term for a type of marketing that is usually performed by an individual instead of a company. It refers to the use of interpersonal or social networks to market products and services for business purposes as opposed to the more traditional and common practices of wide-range advertising. 17. As there are myriad cases in which the term “network marketing” is used interchangeably with “multi-level marketing” the true meaning of the two terms becomes misunderstood. 18. It is important to make the distinction that the term “network marketing” describes a particular marketing strategy, while “multi-level marketing” is a specific characteristic that is a large part of, and speaks to an overall business model.

Task 9. Match the number-letter words and abbreviations in column A with their definitions in column B:

1. A 1 2. the 4 Ps 3. 2G = second-generation 4. G-20 5. 24-hour society 6. the 5 Ss (also spelled Five Ss ) 7. 24/7 8. 360-degree feedback 9. P 45 a)in the UK, a form that you receive from your employer when you stop working for him and that shows how much you earned in the job and how much tax you paid; b)used to describe technology, a product, etc. that has been developed and improved since it first appeared; c)information or criticism about sb’s work from all the types of people they work with, including their manager, people on the same level, the people they manage, customers, etc.; a judgement of the value of their work based on this; d)a method of making and keeping an office or workplace clean and well organized. It suggests actions such as: sort (= organize and decide what to keep or throw away), systematize (= arrange things according to a system), scrub (= clean thoroughly), standardize (= make these activities regular and normal) and sustain (= continue to do it); e)the fact that people can now work, play, shop, etc. all night as well as all day; f)used to describe a company that is considered to be able to pay its debts and to be safe to lend money to; g)twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week (used to mean ‘all the time’); h)product, price, promotions and place, which together form the marketing mix, and which should be carefully planned if a product is to be sold successfully; i)the Group of Twenty Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors representing in the early 21st century 19 most powerful economies in the world plus the European Union;

b) Translate into Ukrainian:

1. The 24-hour society may let people shop at midnight and buy shares on the Internet at dawn, but it could damage our health.

2. A Five-S programme can bring improved profitability, efficiency, service, and safety.

3. The company is rated A1 by Moody’s and A+ by Standard and Poor’s.

4. Second-generation e-learning no longer just provides information, but instead forces the student to make choices and decisions.

5. The web store is open 24/7.

6. Our business needs 24/7.

7. The 360-degree feedback he got

8. In the early 1960s, Professor E. Jerome McCarthy at Harvard Business School suggested that the marketing mix contained 4 elements, later known as the 4 Ps: product, price, place and promotion.

9. The G-20 is a forum for cooperation and consultation on matters pertaining to the international financial system.

10. Within a few months, he was picking up his P45 (= he had lost his job).

Task 22. a) Study the following words.


  · Customerand client can be used to refer to either people or companies that buy things, while consumerand clientele are used about people. · The word customer [`kAstəmə(r)] is usually used when the thing being sold is a standard product or service: Phone companies are competing to sign up domestic customers. · Client [`klaıənt] is someone who pays for the services of a professional person such as a doctor or lawyer. The word is referred when the thing being sold is specially prepared or designed, for example professional advice: They had advised their clients to buy the shares. · It is now common for organisations providing public services, for example hospitals or bus companies, to refer to the people who use their services as customersor clients rather than patients, passengers, etc. This is because the words customer and client are thought to present a more professional image. · A regular customer of a company can be referred to as an account, especially when the customer is another company: Biggart Donald, the Glasgow-based marketing agency, has won two Edinburgh accounts. · The word consumer [kən`sju:mə(r)] AmE [kən`su:mə(r)] is used to describe any member of the public who buys things rather than a customer of a particular company: changes in consumer behaviour; consumer demand for cheap flights. · The word clientele [ֽkli:ən`tel] / AmE [ֽklaıən`tel] (Sing) describes all the people who use a particular shop/store, hotel, restaurant or service considered as a group: The restaurant attracts a younger clientele. An exclusive / international /a regular / youngclientele; to attract / build up / havea clientele

b) Translate into English.

1. клієнт, замовник (особливо рекламної агенції);

2. покупець; замовник; клієнт;

3. клієнт; замовник; комітент;

4. фр. клієнтура;

5. споживач.

Task 23. Translate into Ukrainian.

1. Marketing is sometimes defined as simply “war” between competitors. 2. Marketing is any activity that connects producers with consumers. 3. Marketing is the method to get as many customers as possible. 4. Marketing is an approach to business that seeks to identify, anticipate and satisfy customers’ needs. 5. “Marketing” is a commonly misunderstood term. 6. Jack is the firm’s new director of marketing. 7. We are starting a wide-scope marketing campaign. 8. Our competitors are carrying out a marketing campaign that targets customers aged 20 to 30. 9. As a new marketing executive you will be in charge of developing marketing plans for new products. 10. Who heads the marketing department in your company? 11. The importance of effective marketing cannot be overestimated. 12. The product is the most important element of the marketing mix, since it holds together promotion, distribution and pricing policies. 13. The key focus of our marketing campaign will be on price. 14. Marketing is the provision of goods or services to meet customer or consumer needs. 15. Do we need to improve marketing or simply drop a particular product? 16. The direct marketing industry has become adept at packaging special offers. 17. Direct marketing on the Internet needs to be conducted with particular care. 18. Basically, you might look at marketing as the wide range of activities involved in making sure that you’re continuing to meet the needs of your customers and are getting value in return. 19. Marketing includes ongoing promotions, which can include advertising, public relations, sales and customer service. 20. Marketing online is stretching marketing budgets for many companies.

Task 24. Translate into English:

1. Маркетинг розпочинається не стільки з товару, скільки з пошуку платоспроможного споживача, який готовий щось купити. 2. У літературі існує декілька сотень визначень маркетингу. 3. Мета маркетингу – зробити зусилля зі збуту непотрібними. Його мета – настільки добре пізнати й зрозуміти клієнта, що товар або послуги будуть напевне підходити останньому і продавати самі себе. 4. Маркетингові функції формують такі поняття: нужда, потреби, попит, товар, обмін, угода та ринок. 5. Вихідною ідеєю, яка лежить в основі маркетингу, є ідея людських нужд. 6. Маркетинг – це діяльність, спрямована на створення попиту та досягнення цілей підприємства через максимальне задоволення потреб споживачів. 7. Маркетинг – це філософія бізнесу. 8. Маркетинг – це набір ефективних інструментів, які є необхідними для функціонування підприємства в умовах високої конкуренції. 9. Маркетинг – це важлива частина системи управління підприємством.

Task 1. Make the difference between the following words.

ADVERTISING vs. ADVERTISEMENT [`ædvətaızıŋ] [əd`və:tısmənt]

  · Advertising is an uncountable noun and refers to the activity of telling customers about products and services, or the materials that companies use in general to do this, such as notices in magazines or newspapers: They do a lot of advertising on television. · Advertisement is a countable noun. It refers to a particular piece of advertising, such as a notice or short film / movie about a particular product. In more informal language the words ad (BrE and AmE) and advert (Br E) are used: I am replying to your advertisement in the Guardian. I am replying to your advertising.

Task 2. Practice reading the following words.

1. advertising [`ædvətaızıŋ] / [`ædvərtaızıŋ] 2. billiards[`bıljədz] / [`bıljərdz] 3. brevity[`brevəti] 4. comfort[`kAmpfət] / [`kAmpfərt] 5. de­scriptive[dı`skrıptıv] 6. digni­fied[`dıgnıfaıd] 7. doubt[daut] 8. entity[`entəti] 9. expert[`ekspə:t] 10. extent[ık`stent] 11. function[`fAŋ kən] 12. heard[hə:d] 13. industry[`ındəstri] 14. likened[`laık ə nd] 15. lively[`laıvli] 16. luxury[`lAk∫ ə ri] / [`lAgჳ ə ri] 17. megaphone[`megəfəun] 18. to measure[`meჳə] / [`meჳər] 19. to per­suade[pə`sweıd] / [pər`sweıd] 20. picturesque[ֽpıkt∫ə`resk] 21. potential[pə`tentəl] 22. punctuation[ֽpAŋ k t∫u`eı∫ən] 23. purely[`pjuəli] / [`pjurli] 24. purpose[`pə:pəs] 25. scientific[ֽsa ı ən`tıfık] 26. throughout[θru`aut] 27. urban[`ə:b ə n]

Task 3. Read the text.

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 333 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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