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About myself. Now I live and study in Moscow. I am a third year student of the Moscow State University

Let me tell you some words about myself. My name is Alexander. My surname is Bolshov. But my friends and relatives call me Sasha for short. I am 20 years old. I am not married yet. I was born in a small Russian town Vladimir in 1986. I finished secondary school number 23 with honours. At school I was good at maths and English. Besides I was fond of reading and sports. I still go to the gym several times a week. It helps me keep fit and cheerful. Besides I go swimming every Saturday.

Now I live and study in Moscow. I am a third year student of the Moscow State University. Three years ago I entered the Faculty of Economy and Management. I study by correspondence. I must say it is no easy matter to study and work at the same time. I work as an accountant in a small firm. I like my job because it is interesting and well-paid. But it takes me a lot of time. Sorry to say I live quite far from the centre. I rent a small flat. If I have some spare time I try to spend it with my friends or I go to my native town to see my relatives. Sometimes I miss them very much.

Soon I will graduate from the University and I am going to look for a job in a bank or some big firm.


Let me introduce myself. My name is John. My full name is John Riddle. I am 30 years old. I am a journalist by profession, a foreign correspondent to be exact. The life and work of a foreign correspondent are quite interesting but not so easy at the same time. I have often to go on business. I must speak at least 2 languages. I speak German and French fluently. You see my job takes me a lot of time, but I am fond of it.

If I have a spare minute, I try to spend it with my family. I am married. My wife’s name is Jackie. She is 28 years old. Jackie is a housewife. My wife is a pretty woman with dark hair and blue eyes. Jackie runs our house and looks after the children.

We have nice twins, Eric and David. They are 3 years old. My wife and I do our best to bring up our boys. They are the image of me: both have fair hair and grey eyes. Eric and David are as like as two peas.

I must say, I am very busy during the week, so I try to relax at the weekend. We usually go to the country where we have a cosy house with a garden.

Besides we have a lot of relatives: aunts, uncles, nieces and nephews. We get on very well, love and respect all of them. So we are a happy and friendly family.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-11; Прочитано: 862 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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