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For each of the following situations, decide whether a contract has been made. Give your reasons

a. An auctioneer says, “What am I bid for this antique sofa?” Someone in the crowd says, “$300.”

b. Adam says to Basil, “I’m going to sell my car for $500.” Basil replies, “All right, here is the money. I’ll take it.”

c. The citizens of a small town collect $1,000 and offer it as a re­ward for the capture of a suspected criminal. The sheriff cap­tures the suspect and seeks the reward.

d. Sara’s father promises to pay her $1,000 when she turns 18. On her 18 birthday, she seeks the money.

e. Standing at one end of a long bridge, Shelly says to Lynn, “I’ll give you $5 if you walk across the bridge.” Lynn says nothing but starts walking across the bridge.

f. Liz offers Sharon $100 to steal four hubcaps for her sports car. Sharon steals the hubcaps, brings them to Liz, and asks for the money.

Match the words on the left with the correct definition
on the right:

Contract approval.
Carry out deal.
acceptance something of value is given for something else of value.
Offer fulfill.
Bargain full age.
Exchange of consideration an agreement between two or more persons to exchange something of value.
Legal majority a person who signs the contract together with another person.
Tough withdraw from an agreement.
Back out of the deal give formal consent.
Rati­fy difficult.
Cosigner proposal.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-11; Прочитано: 1277 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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