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Tips on Writing a Consumer Letter of Complaint

· Include your name, address, phone number(s), and account number, if appropriate.

· Be brief and to the point. Don’t be sarcastic or angry.

· Include all important facts: date and place of purchase and information identifying the product (for example, model and serial number).

· Explain the problem, what you have done about it, and what you want to be done.

· Include copies of documents relating to your problem (for example, sales receipt). Do not send originals.

· Consider sending copies to your local and state consumer protection organizations.

· Keep a copy of whatever you send.

· Type the letter if possible. If this is not possible, print it neatly.

· Consider mailing the letter from your post office and paying the extra charge for requesting a return receipt. This receipt will be signed by the company when it receives your letter and then returned to you. If you wind up in court with your problem, the receipt is your proof that the company knew of the problem.

· Many companies have consumer affairs departments, but you may get faster action by writing directly to the company president. State the facts clearly. Send photocopies of any important documents (such as canceled checks and past letters to the seller). Describe the problem. Explain what you’ve tried to do about it and what you want the company to do. Consider sending copies of your letter to local and state consumer protection organizations and to your local Better Business Bureau.

If you are still dissatisfied, it may be time to seek outside help. Many agencies and organizations may be able to help you. These groups are discussed in the next section. Above all, don’t give up if you feel you have a valid complaint.


Terry and Martha Tubman saw a newspaper ad for major–brand color TV sets on sale at Tally’s Radio & TV Shop. They rushed down to Tally’s, where they bought a 21–inch model for $435. Several weeks later, the TV completely lost its picture. A TV service mechan­ic who came to their home told them that the picture tube had blown and that repairs would cost $200. The next morning, Terry and Martha returned to the store and asked to speak to Mr. Foxx, the salesperson who had sold them the TV.

1. Role–play the meeting between the Tubmans and Mr. Foxx. What should the Tubmans say, and what should Mr. Foxx say?

2. If Mr. Foxx refuses to help, what should the Tubmans do? If they decide to write a letter of complaint, to whom should they send it? Make a checklist of information needed in the letter. Write a letter for the Tubmans.

3. What should the Tubmans do if they get no response to their letter?


Дата публикования: 2014-12-11; Прочитано: 395 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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