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Local Law

Cities and counties may also have consumer protection laws. These laws have been passed to deal with specific consumer issues that have arisen at a local level. For example, some cities have “truth–in–menus” laws. Under these laws, if the menu reads “fresh swordfish,” the restaurant cannot serve swordfish that has been frozen.

Find the equivalents of the following words
and expressions in the text.

Защитить потребителя, запретить нечестную торговлю, неправильная маркировка, установить стандарты, продажа вредных для здоровья товаров, дать потребителю информацию о товаре, список ингредиентов и информация о калорийности, инвалиды, иметь равный доступ, преследовать по суду от имени покупателя, остановить незаконную практику, предъявить иск от имени больших групп, приказ о прекращении деятельности, обоюдное согласие, возмещение убытков, на местном уровне, закон о правдивом меню

Answer the questions:

1. How do laws protect consumers?

2. What special commission is concerned with unfair or deceptive trade practices?

3. Why is it necessary to know the ingredients and nutrition of products?

4. What information should consumers have about the goods before deciding whether or not to buy them?

5. How are the rights of disabled people protected? Is it the same in Russia? Give your examples.

6. How does state law protect consumers?

7. Can cities have consumer protection law? What for?

8. What is “truth–in–menus” law?

9. Are there any laws that protect consumers in Russia? What laws do you know?

Read the text and answer the questions:

Дата публикования: 2014-12-11; Прочитано: 397 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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