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History of roads

1. Road is a strip of land that provides routes for travel by automobiles and other wheeled vehicles. In England, hundreds of years ago, certain main roads were higher than the surrounding ground. This was because earth was thrown from the side ditches toward the centre. Because they were higher they were called «highways». These roads were under protection of the king’s men and were open to the travellers. Private roads were known as «byways».

2. The first roads in the world probably followed trails and paths made by animals. These trails and paths led from feeding grounds to watering places. People followed these trails to hunt for animals. People also made their own trails and paths in searching for water, food and fuel. Explorers followed these trails as they investigated new lands.

3. Early roads were built in the Near East soon after the wheel was invented. This was about 3000 B.C. as trade developed between villages, towns, and cities, other paths, or trade routes, were made. One such early system of roads was the Old Silk Trade Route which ran over 6,000 miles (9,700 kilometres), connecting China with Rome and pre-Christian Europe. Merchants used this ancient route to carry Chinese silk across Turkestan, India and Persia.

4. The first road markers were piles of stones at intervals. Trail through forests were marked by blazing trees, or cutting a piece from the bark of the tree. But the first really great road builders were the Romans. They knew that the road must slope slightly from the centre toward both sides to drain off water. This gave the road a crown. The Romans also knew that there must be ditches along the sides of the road to carry water away. Roman roads were built mainly to get soldiers from one part of the empire to another. These roads ran in almost straight lines and passed over hills instead of cutting around them. The Romans built more than 50,000 miles (80,000 kilometres) of roads in their empire and some of them are still in use.

5. From 500’s to 1800’s, most roads in Europe were merely clearings in the forests. Cobblestone pavement was used in some urban areas. There was little reason to build good roads, because most of the travel was on horseback. The cleared way was sometimes quite wide, so that robbers hiding in the woods could not leap out suddenly upon unsuspecting travellers. Later, when more wheeled vehicles, such as wagons, came into use, the roads of Europe still remained in poor condition.

3) Дайте письмові відповіді на питання:

1. What were the first road markers?

2. Who is considered to be the first road-builders?

3. Why did the roads have ditches along their sides?

4. Why was there small reason to build good roads in the early days?

5. What were the first Roman roads built for?


І. Перепишіть та перекладіть речення. Визначте час і стан (активний чи пасивний) присудка:

2. This bypass has been built for 2 years.

3. The motorist was travelling at a high speed when he suddenly saw a lorry at the intersection.

4. The driver had already determined the route of travel when his plans changed.

5. The growing number of cars will cause traffic congestions in this street.

ІІ. Перепишіть та перекладіть речення. Визначте тип умовного речення (реальний, напівреальний, нереальний):

1. If the workers had used concrete for road construction in this region, the roads would have been smoother.

2. If this road were private you would pay for entering it.

3. If this area needs draining off, the builders will do it.

4. You will get to the place in 15 minutes if the traffic isn't too heavy.

ІІІ. Перепишіть та перекладіть речення з об’єктним інфінітивним зворотом:

1. Engineers wanted this road to be extended up to the new bridge.

2. I wish him to become the student of a road-building faculty.

3. He saw a vehicle approach them very quickly.

4. I know this bypass to have become very popular among those drivers who wanted to avoid city traffic.

IV. Перепишіть та перекладіть речення з суб’єктним інфінітивним зворотом:

1. A large number of road signs are thought to be needed for this long highway.

2. This method of construction proved to be very effective.

3. The new material for roadbed is expected to be reliable.

4. The construction of a new section is supposed to be finished next year.

V. Перепишіть та перекладіть речення. Поставте загальне та спеціальне питання до речень:

1. He was driving through the centre of the city when the storm broke.

2. The roads in the city centre were in poor condition.

3. He has been working at the plant for 30 years.

4. The driver asked a passer-by how to get to the filling-station.

VІ. Перепишіть та письмово перекладіть 1й, 2й та 3й абзаци тексту.

1) Прочитайте та усно перекладіть 4й, 5й та 6й абзаци.

2) Випишіть незнайомі слова з перекладом.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-11; Прочитано: 422 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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