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Exercises. 1. Complete the sentences

1. Complete the sentences.

1. New York was founded by …. 2. Crowded ferry-boats cross the water with people hurrying to work…. 3. Liberty Island is … in New York Harbor in the United States. 4. The Statue of Liberty was presented to the USA by… to commemorate …. 5. A new … has been opened at the base of the statue. 6. The heart of New York is …. 7. Wall Street is … and the most important banking centre in the world. 8. … is the centre of the theatres and night life. 9. Fifth Avenue is … Avenue. 10. … was the first sky-scraper. 11. The Metropolitan Museum of Art houses a permanent collection from …. 11. … is the largest in population. 12. The Bronx is a … part of the city. 13. Richmond is a district of … and …. 14. Queens is both … and …. 15. New York is one of the leading ….

2. Answer the questions.

1. When was New York founded?

2. What is the population of New York?

3. How much languages are spoken in New York?

4. Where is New York situated?

5. What can you say about the Statue of Liberty?

6. What purposes was Ellis Island used for?

7. What are five districts of New York?

8. What are the world-famous streets in Manhattan?

9. Where are the Headquarters of the United Nations situated?

10. Why Brooklyn is named “the bedroom of New York”?

11. What places of interests do you know in New York?

12. Why New York is one of the main centres of scientific and cultural life in the country.

3. You are in New York. What famous sights do you want to visit? Why?

4. Read the following dialogue. Compose your own dialogue about New York.

A: Excuse me, can tell me where the Empire State building is?

B: Oh, sure. You’re not from here, are you?

A: No, I’m from Idaho. I’m here for the weekend only.

B: Oh, really?

A: Let me see your map.

B: We are here at the corner of Broadway and 47th Street.

A: The Empire State Building is at Fifth Avenue and 34th Street

B: Just walk along 47th Street this way and turn right into Fifth Avenue after two blocks.

A: Walk down Fifth Avenue past Public Library until reach 34th Street.

B: The Empire State Building is the building to your right and main entrance is on Fifth Avenue.

A: Great. Are there any other places I should go to?

B: Oh, yes. There are a lot of interesting places in New York.

A: The Guggenheim Museum and the Metropolitan Museum are just as interesting as the Empire State Building.

B: But the most interesting place for me is Ellis Island.

A: How do I get to Ellis Island?

B: Take a cab to Battery Park.

A: The ferry terminal is right at the end of the parking lot.

B: Just buy a ticket to Ellis Island there and ask for the schedule.

A: Do you get a good view of Manhattan from the ferry?

B: You do. But you get the most fascinating view of the Manhattan skyline from the Staten Island Ferry.

A: And the view of Miss Liberty is as fascinating as the view of Manhattan.

B: And it’s even better and also more spectacular at sundown.

A: Well, thanks a lot. I really appreciate your help.

B: You’re very welcome.

A: Bye-bye.

B: Bye now. Enjoy New York!

Дата публикования: 2014-12-11; Прочитано: 732 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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