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I got hurt in the Cornell game.

It was my own fault, really. At a heated juncture, I made the

unfortunate error of referring to their center as a "fucking Canuck." My

oversight was in not remembering that four members of their team were

Canadians-all, it turned out, extremely patriotic, well-built and within

earshot. To add insult to injury, the penalty was called on me. And not a

common one, either:

five minutes for fighting. You should have heard the Cornell fans ride

me when it was announced! Not many Harvard rooters had come way the hell up

to Ithaca, New York, even though the Ivy title was at stake. Five minutes! I

could see our coach tearing his hair out, as I climbed into the box.

Jackie Felt came scampering over. It was only then

I realized that the whole right side of my face was a

a bloody mess. "Jesus Christ," he kept repeating as

he worked me over with a styptic pencil. "Jesus, Ollie." I sat quietly,

staring blankly ahead. I was ashamed

to look onto the ice, where my worst fears were quickly realized;

Cornell scored. The Red fans screamed and bellowed and hooted. It was a tie

now. Cornell could very possibly win the game-and with it, the Ivy title.

Shit-and I had barely gone through half my penalty.

Across the rink, the minuscule Harvard contingent was grim and silent.

By now the fans for both sides had forgotten me. Only one spectator still

had his eyes on the penalty box. Yes, he was there. "if the conference

breaks in time, i'll try to get to Cornell." Sitting among the Harvard

rooters-but not rooting, of course- was Oliver Barrett III.

Across the gulf of ice, Old Stonyface observed in expressionless

silence as the last bit of blood on the face of his only son was stopped by

adhesive papers. What was he thinking, do you think? Tch tch tch-or words to

that effect?

"Oliver, if you like fighting so much, why don't you go out for the

boxing team?"

"Exeter doesn't have a boxing team, Father."

"Well, perhaps 1 shouldn't come up to your hockey games."

"Do you think 1 fight for your benefit, Father?"

"Well, I wouldn't say 'benefit.'"

But of course, who could tell what he was thinking? Oliver Barrett III

was a walking, sometimes talking Mount Rushmore. Stonyface.

Perhaps Old Stony was indulging in his usual self- celebration: Look at

me, there are extremely few Harvard spectators here this evening, and yet I

am one of them. I, Oliver Barrett III, an extremely busy man with banks to

run and so forth, I have taken the time to come up to Cornell for a lousy

hockey game. How wonderful. (For whom?)

The crowd roared again, but really wild this time. Another Cornell

goal. They were ahead. And I had two minutes of penalty to go! Davey

Johnston skated up-ice, red-faced, angry. He passed right by me without so

much as a glance. And did I notice tears in his eyes? I mean, okay, the

title was at stake, but Jesus- tears! But then Davey, our captain, had this

incredible streak going for him: seven years and he'd never played on a

losing side, high school or college. It was like a minor legend. And he was

a senior. And this was our last tough game.

Which we lost, 6-3.

After the game, an X ray determined that no bones were broken, and then

twelve stitches were sewn into my cheek by Richard Seizer, M.D. Jackie Felt

hovered around the med room, telling the Cornell physician how I wasn't

eating right and that all this might have been averted had I been taking

sufficient salt pills. Seizer ignored Jack, and gave me a stern warning

about my nearly damaging "the floor of my orbit" (those are the medical

terms) and that not to play for a week would be the wisest thing. I thanked

him. He left, with Felt dogging him to talk more of nutrition. I was glad

to. be alone.

I showered slowly, being careful not to wet my sore face. The Novocain

was wearing off a little, but I was somehow happy to feel pain. I mean,

hadn't I really fucked up? We'd blown the title, broken our own streak (all

the seniors had been undefeated) and Davey Johnston's too. Maybe the blame

wasn't totally mine, but right then I felt like it was.

There was nobody in the locker room. They must all have been at the

motel already. I supposed no one wanted to see me or speak to me. With this

terrible bitter taste in my mouth-I felt so bad I could taste it- I packed

my gear and walked outside. There were not many Harvard fans out there in

the wintry wilds of upstate New York.

"How's the cheek, Barrett?"

"Okay, thanks, Mr. Jencks."

"You'll probably want a steak," said another familiar voice. Thus spake

Oliver Barrett III. How typical of him to suggest the old-fashioned cure for

a black eye.

"Thank you, Father," I said. "The doctor took care of it." I indicated

the gauze pad covering Seizer's twelve stitches.

"I mean for your stomach, son.

At dinner, we had yet another in our continuing series of

nonconversations, all of which commence with "How've you been?" and conclude

with "Anything I can do?"

"How've you been, son?"

"Fine, sir."

"Does your face hurt?"

"No, sir.

It was beginning to hurt like hell.

"I'd like Jack Wells to look at it on Monday."

"Not necessary, Father."

"He's a specialist-"

"The Cornell doctor wasn't exactly a veterinarian," I said, hoping to

dampen my father's usual snobbish enthusiasm for specialists, experts, and

all other "top people."

"Too bad," remarked Oliver Barrett III, in what I first took to be a

stab at humor, "you did get a beastly cut."

"Yes sir," I said. (Was I supposed to chuckle?)

And then I wondered if my father's quasi-witticism had not been

intended as some sort of implicit reprimand for my actions on the ice.

"Or were you implying that I behaved like an animal this evening?"

His expression suggested some pleasure at the fact that I had asked

him. But he simply replied, "You were the one who mentioned veterinarians."

At this point, I decided to study the menu.

As the main course was served, Old Stony launched into another of his

simplistic sermonettes, this one, if I recall-and I try not to-concerning

victories and defeats. He noted that we had lost the title (very sharp of

you, Father), but after all, in sport what really counts is not the winning

but the playing. His remarks sounded suspiciously close to a paraphrase of

the Olympic motto, and I sensed this was the overture to a put-down of such

athletic trivia as Ivy titles. But I was not about to feed him any Olympic

straight lines, so I gave him his quota of "Yes sir"s and shut up.

We ran the usual conversational gamut, which centers around Old Stony's

favorite nontopic, my plans.

"Tell me, Oliver, have you heard from the Law School?"

"Actually, Father, I haven't definitely decided on law school."

"I was merely asking if law school had definitely decided on you."

Was this another witticism? Was I supposed to smile at my father's rosy


"No sir. I haven't heard."

"I could give Price Zimmermann a ring-"

"No!" I interrupted as an instant reflex. "Please don't, sir".

"Not to influence," O.B. III said very uprightly "just to inquire."

"Father, I want to get the, letter with everyone else


"Yes. Of course. Fine."

"Thank you, sir."

"Besides there really isn't much doubt about your getting in," he


Idon't know why, but O.B. III has a way of disparaging me even while

uttering laudatory phrases.

"It's no cinch," I replied. "They don't have a hockey team, after all."

I have no idea why I was putting myself down. Maybe it was because he

was taking the opposite view.

"You have other qualities," said Oliver Barrett III, but declined to

elaborate. (I doubt if he could have.)

The meal was as lousy as the conversation, except that I could have

predicted the staleness of the rolls even before they arrived, whereas I can

never predict what subject my father will set blandly before me.

"And there's always the Peace Corps," he remarked, completely out of

the blue.

"Sir?" I asked, not quite sure whether he was making a statement or

asking a question.

"I think the Peace Corps is a fine thing, don't you?" he said.

"Well," I replied, "it's certainly better than the War Corps."

We were even. I didn't know what he meant and vice versa. Was that it

for the topic? Would we now discuss other current affairs or government

programs? No. I had momentarily forgotten that our quintessential theme is

always my plans.

"I would certainly have no objection to your joining the Peace Corps,


"It's mutual, sir," I replied, matching his own generosity of spirit.

I'm sure Old Stony never listens to me anyway, so I'm not surprised that he

didn't react to my quiet little sarcasm.

"But among your classmates," he continued, "what is the attitude



"Do they feel the Peace Corps is relevant to their lives?"

I guess my father needs to hear the phrase as much as a fish needs

water: "Yes sir."

Even the apple pie was stale.

At about eleven-thirty, I walked him to his car.

"Anything I can do, son?"

"No, sir. Good night, sir."

And he drove off.

Yes, there are planes between Boston and Ithaca, New York, but Oliver

Barrett III chose to drive. Not that those many hours at the wheel could be

taken as some kind of parental gesture. My father simply likes to drive.

Fast. And at that hour of the night in an Aston Martin DBS you can go fast

as hell. I have no doubt that Oliver Barrett III was out to break his

Ithaca- Boston speed record, set the year previous after we had beaten

Cornell and taken the title. I know, because I saw him glance at his watch.

I went back to the motel to phone Jenny.

It was the only good part of the evening. I told her all about the

fight (omitting the precise nature of the casus belli) and I could tell she

enjoyed it. Not many of her wonky musician friends either threw or received


"Did you at least total the guy that hit you?" she asked.

"Yeah. Totally. I creamed him."

"I wish I coulda seen it. Maybe you'll beat up somebody in the Yale

game, huh?"


I smiled. How she loved the simple things in life.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-10; Прочитано: 360 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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