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Language work. Exercise 1. Match each of the following words with its definition

Exercise 1. Match each of the following words with its definition.

wire a device which maps the binary strings into coded bits or waveforms for transmission

wave a device which maps the source into a set of binary strings

analogue a system in which data is represented

as O or 1

digital a system in which data is represented as a continuously varying voltage

amplitude modulation a thin piece of metal for conducting electrical current

frequency modulation a wave suitable for modulation by an information-bearing signal

source encoder an electric, electromagnetic, acoustic, mechanical or other form whose physical activity rises and falls as it travels through a medium

channel encoder the deterioration in quality, level, or standard of performance

degradation to fail to reproduce accurately the characteristics of the input

distort where audio signals increase and decrease the amplitude of the carrier wave

carrier wave where voltage levels change the frequency of a carrier wave

Exercise 2. The following words are taken from three modes of transmission: wire, radio and optical. Link each term with the most appropriate mode of transmission.

●Antenna ●coaxial cable ●copper wire ●fibre optic cable

●laser ●light-emitting diode ●microwave ●repeater

●satellite ●single-wire line ●transmitter ●wavelength

Wire ____________________________________________

Radio ___________________________________________

Optical __________________________________________

Exercise 3. The following extract is taken from a description for a telecommunications technology course. Complete the text by choosing a suitable word or phrase from the list.

Sharing, laser, information, electromagnetic transmission, direct, converting analogue, transmit signals

Дата публикования: 2014-12-08; Прочитано: 2092 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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