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Grammar. Exercise 7. Translate into Ukrainian

Exercise 7. Translate into Ukrainian.

1. The experiment will be described in several journals.

2. A conference on those problems is being held now.

3. The lists are still being typed.

4. Something important was being discussed, so I sat down to listen.

5. These machines are going to be tested again.

6. I was asked to fill in the form in both Russian and English.

7. The tourists are asked to be in the hotel lobby at exactly ten.

8. The children were allowed to stay up as long as the adults.

9. He's been appointed ambassador to an African country.

10. Excuse me, you are wanted on the phone.

11. All spheres of life are going to be represented at the exhibition.

12. Everything can be arranged in good time.

Exercise 8. Insert the proper form of verbs given in brackets.

1. This monument … three hundred years ago. (to put up)

2. Only one of his books … into Russian. (to translate)

3. The meeting …, because the day wasn't convenient for most of the people. (to put off)

4. Some pop singers … when I switched on the telly. (were being interviewed)

5. These contests … every four years. (to hold)

6. Your order … in five days' time. (to fulfill)

7. The bridge … by a bomb. All his papers … in the fire. (to destroy, to damage)

8. The flowers … by the rain. He's ruining his health by drinking. The city … by the bombs. The country … by the war. (to ruin, to attack, to defeat).

9. Several villages were badly … by the flood. All the goods … badly. … the car badly? (to damage)

10. A lot of damage … by the earthquake. How serious was the damage? (to do)

Exercise 9. Translate into Ukrainian.

1. Diplomatic relations between the two countries were established a long time ago.

2. The company was established at the turn of the century.

3. The production costs will be minimized.

4. This project is, without any doubt, taken into account.

5. I'm sorry this seat's engaged.

6. I tried to get through to him several times, but the number was engaged.

7. A new stock exchange has just been established.

8. The construction of the hospital will be financed by the state.

9. After the concert he was surrounded by reporters.

10. The mail's usually brought at 9 p.m.

11. Are the orders always fulfilled in time?

12. It's a pity the lecture wasn't taped.

13. The telly hasn't been switched off, I'm afraid.

14. The appointment's been called off, hasn't it?

15. Who's been appointed head of the delegation?

16. When can the new equipment be installed?

Дата публикования: 2014-12-08; Прочитано: 1577 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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