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Grammar. Exercise 6.Put the verbs in brackets into Present or Future tense

Exercise 6. Put the verbs in brackets into Present or Future tense.

A: What time does Mr Tanaka’s flight arrive at Heathrow?

B: He gets in at 10.30 tonight. If he (take) about half an hour to get through customs, we (leave) just after 11.00. Then we (get) to the hotel just before midnight if there (not/be) any problems.

A: I’m afraid there probably will be problems. I phoned the airport, and the weather’s bad. If it (not/improve), there (be) some long dalays.

B: That’s OK. If he (be) late, I (wait) for him.

A: Yes, but if the fog (get) worse, they (start) diverting flights to other airports. If he (land) in Manchester and there (be) nobody there to meet him, he (not/be) very pleased.

B: I’m sure he (understand) if that (happen). I’ll go to Heathrow, and his flight (not/arrive), I (find out) what’s happening.

Exercise 7. Put the verbs into the correct tense.

1. If I (have) time, I (read) your report and I’ll let you have my comments by Monday. 2. I (pick) you up at the airport myself if I (not/have) any appointments on Tuesday, and then we can go for a meal together. 3. If she (have) a little more experience, she (be) perfect for the job, but as it is, I don’t think she’s the right person. 4. The whole division has been performing badly ever since he was appointed Managing Director. Things (be) very different if I (be) still in change. 5. I’ve got your number so if Jack (ring) from New York this afternoon, I (pass) it on to him. 6. I’ve decided not to take the job because I (hardly/see) my children at all if I (have to) travel so much. 7. I (show) her your designs if I (see) her this afternoon, and then I can tell you what she thinks of them tomorrow. 8. The Financial Manager is coming to the meeting with me and if there (not/be) any last minute hitches, we (sign) the contract this afternoon. 9. It’s a pity Mrs Falworth is away. If she (be) here, I’m sure she (be) able to give you an answer. 10. Unfortunately my father has a fixed pension. If it (be) index-linked, it (go) up with inflation.

Exercise 8. Change the following sentences using Present Subjunctive and the Conditional Mood.

Model: If he wants to protect the information about quality of goods, he will apply for a patent. – If he wanted to protect the information about quality of goods, he would apply for a patent.

1. If he has the necessary information he will minimize search time. 2. If the company uses an economically valuable idea it will not lessen its value for another company. 3. If a firm creates property rights in ideas it will get a patent. 4. If a company has a reputation it will lower search costs. 5. If the state attempts to stimulate innovations it will use its police powers to stop use of the idea by those who do not compensate the inventor or innovator.

Exercise 9. Match the two halves of these sentences:

1. If he were to write his own job describtion …

2. If he disagreed with his colleagues …

3. If he had to fire someone …

4. If he had been on the Board of IBM …

5. If he hadn’t gone into the software business…

a … it would say he has to lead change.

b … he wouldn’t have been so successful.

c … he would tell them verbally.

d … he would have bought shares in Microsoft.

e … he would get them to explain their views more clearly.

Exercise 10. Imagine what would happen in these hypothetical future situations. Complete the sentences.

1. If all employees owned shares in the company they worked for, … 2. If there were more women in top management positions, … 3. If the government gave more help to companies setting up operations in areas with high levels of unemployment, … 4. If there were no state-run health service, … 5. If I had to decide my company’s employment policy on AIDS, … 6. If thr EC had one common currency, … 7. If the West did more to help Eastern Europe, … 8. If there was an international law against all trade in arms, ….

Exercise 11. Translate the sentences.

1. Компанія випускала б цю продукцію, але вона не має патенту. 2. Фірма одержувала б прибутки ще минулого року, якби в неї було достатньо інформації про процес виробництва. 3. Якби не існувало ринку інформації, ми не дізналися б про наших потенційних споживачів. 4. Якби не конкуруюча компанія, ми швидше реалізували б свій товар. 5. Компанія захистила б своє право на технологічну інновацію, але вчасно не потурбувалася про оформлення патенту. 6. Якби товари не вироблялися національною економікою, їх імпортували б. 7. Якби світова ціна товару була нижчою за внутрішню ціну, існував би стимул імпортувати його. 8. Якби наша економіка була високорозвиненою, національна валюта стала б різновидом міжнародної валюти. 9. Якби світова ціна підвищилася, це зумовило б зростання національного виробництва.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-08; Прочитано: 870 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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