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Grammar. Exercise 8.Translate the sentences

Exercise 8. Translate the sentences.

1. The devaluation of the pound sterling is known to have led to a rise of the prices of all goods imported into English. 2. The price of flour in England is stated to have risen by 11.6 per cent in September. 3. Imports of copper into the United Kingdom in October were stated to be 22,441 tons. 4. A great number of inventions is known to have been suppressed by monopolistic industrial associations in European countries. 5. Two shiploads of ore expected to arrive shortly will be sent to that works. 6. They are likely to take part in this work. 7. He is sure to enjoy himself at the party. 8. The fight for export markets between European countries is certain to grow grimmer and grimmer. 9. The vessel is not likely to arrive at the port of destination before the 1st October. 10. The matter will be discussed at the conference likely to be called next month.

Exercise 9. Combine the given two sentences into one using the Objective Infinitive Complex.

Model: They will tell us about Trust Services. I expected. – I expected them to tell us about Trust Services.

1. Firms made investment decision. I heard it. 2. Increased government expenditure increases aggregate demand. We consider it. 3. We save because of uncertainty about our future income and about how long we shall live. The life caused it. 4. Individual consumption is directly influenced by individual income. We think so. 5. Aggregate demand and aggregate supply are useful concepts only if they help us understand why an economy may not always fully employ its productive resources, have price stability, or grow at an acceptable rate. We know it. 6. Saving is a way of transferring current income into future consumption. I suppose it.

Exercise 10. Change the following sentences into simple ones using the Subjective Infinitive complex:

1. It is believed that optimal stabilization policy tends to stabilize nominal GNP. 2. It is reported that aggregate demand is stable. 3. It is expected that nominal wages will also decline a lot. 4. It was supposed that the effectiveness of active stabilization policies depended on the expectations of individual consumers and firms. 5. It is said that unemployment will persist.

Exercise 11. Translate the sentences.

1. A cargo of 5,000 tons of wheat has been sold to a foreign company, payment to be made in cash in exchange for the bill of lading and insurance policy. 2. The sellers charted a steamer for the transportation of the goods, the lay days at the port of loading not to commence before October 20. 3. By a contract dated August 15, our company sold a quantity of timber, the goods to be shipped in two parcels. 4. The seller must provide documents entitling the buyer to obtain delivery of the grain and payment must be made in exchange for such documents, such payment to be made without prejudice to the buyer’s rights under the contract.

Exercise 12. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Нам дуже хотілося б, щоб споживачі із задоволенням купували наші товари. 2. Ми вважаємо, що в неї достатній власний досвід у цій сфері виробництва і вона може розпочати свою справу. 3. Я сподіваюся, що ти навчишся накопичувати свої прибутки. 4. Я знаю, що сукупний попит знижується, коли зростають податки. 5. Батьки сподіваються, що він стане гарним підприємцем і матиме власний бізнес. 6. Вважають, що економісти дійшли згоди щодо ефективності грошово-кредитної політики. 7. Як повідомляють, податки зростуть. 8. Як відомо, можливість прогнозування є дуже важливою для організації економічної діяльності. 9. Здається, дедалі більше людей цікавляться економічними питаннями. 10. Сталося так, що тимчасові зміни в оподаткуванні вплинули на прибуток.


Дата публикования: 2014-12-08; Прочитано: 748 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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