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Ex.3. Choose the best alternative and translate the sentences into Russian

1. Andalusia is an autonomous community of ___.

a) France b) Spain c) Italy

2. Andalusia is famous for its flamenco, fiesta, sherry and ___.

a) bullfights b) dogfights c) cockfights

3. The journey starts in ___.

a) Granada b) Sevilla c) Madrid

4. Puerto de Atocha is the ___ in Madrid.

a) railway terminal b) airport c) museum

5. In the cool marble vestibule monitors overhead ___.

a) point the way b) tell the way c) show the way

6. The tourists take a ___ train to Sevilla.

a) stopping b) commuter c) high-speed

7. The section Madrid-Sevilla is very busy, it is ___ long.

a) 570 km b) 470 km c) 740 km

8. The super high train ___ this distance in 2 hours 45 minutes.

a) covers b) goes c) comes

9. What is the train’s maximum speed?

a) 300 kmh b) 350 kmh c) 400 kmh

10. What is the abbreviation for Spanish Railways?


11. The carriages of the Spanish high-speed train are equipped with seats like those in the ___.

a) airplane b) motor car c) minivan

12. Meals and drinks are ___ at seat.

a) brought b) taken c) served

13. Passengers can enjoy video; in every carriage of the fast train there is a ___.

a) game console b) video c) TV set

14. The station in Sevillia was completely ___ for the World Exhibition EXPO 92.

a) removed b) renovated c) replaced

15. Sevilla was the gate through which ___ went to the New World.

a) Columbus b) Marco Polo c) Newton

16. What musical instrument is a street musician playing?

a) the piano b) the accordion c) the guitar

17. The most important part of the fiesta held in Sevilla is ___.

a) the flamenco b) the flamingo c) the domingo

18. Andalusia Express is a ___ hotel on wheels.

a) four-star b) five-star c) fine-star

19. As at an airport the baggage is checked in before passengers ___.

a) board the train b) buy the train c) bite the train

20. The carriages of the train are ___ in Europe.

a) the longest b) the brightest c) the widest

21. The luxury Andalusia Express is heading ___ for Granada.

a) west b) east c) south

22. The city of Granada was founded by ___.

a) the Moors b) the Mails c) the Means

23. The palace garden with lots of ___ is world famous.

a) apple trees b) flowers c) fiestas

24. After an extensive ___ to Granada the tourists board the Andalusia Express to continue their trip.

a) visit b) voyage c) journey

25. The train is hauled by a ___ locomotive.

a) diesel b) electric c) steam

Дата публикования: 2014-12-30; Прочитано: 254 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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