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You are a freshman now

1. Do you like being a student?

2. Was it difficult for you to get accustomed (привыкать) to the system of lectures and seminars after the school system of classes?

3. What do you find more useful: lectures of seminars?

4. Do yon always take notes of lectures?

5. Is it difficult or easy for you to follow the lectures?

6. Some lectures are certainly more interesting than others. What does interest depend on? (It depends on the subject of the lecture or the personality of the lecturer)

7. Why are some lectures boring (скучный)? (the subject is boring; the subject is of no importance to you; the subject is too difficult for you to master; you find it hard to concentrate; you are not interested in the subject; you are not yet accustomed to listening to lectures every day; you get tired easily; the lecturer’s manner of speech is monotonous; the lecturer speaks too fast for you to make notes; the lecturer gives no original information; the lecturer’s arguments are too complicated for you)

8. What subjects are included in the first-year program at your faculty?

9. What subject is the most interesting; the least interesting; the one you think the most important; the one you find the most difficult?

10. What must you do to pass your winter exams successfully?

11. What marks do you expect to get?

12. How much time do you spend to prepare your homework?

13. Do you have a lot of spare time?

14. What do you usually do during your spare time?

Дата публикования: 2014-12-30; Прочитано: 355 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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