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Ex. 15. Answer the following alternative questions to the text

1. Does SSUT train specialists for railway transport or aerospace industry?

2. Does the University offer a broad portfolio of courses or jobs?

3. Do these courses meet the needs of students or online news services?

4. Is the University playing an increasingly important role for local or international companies?

5. Was our University established as a technical school or an institute?

6. Did the first admission comprise seventy-five or fifty-seven students?

7. Does the University complex include railway technical schools or high schools?

8. Does SSUT have three or five faculties?

9. Is teaching provided in the full-time or evening form?

10. Do sixteen or thirty-seven departments offer degree courses?

11. Do state-of-the-art computing facilities support research or sports activities?

12. Is access available to electronic or electrical databases?

13. Do University papers cover the most interesting or the funniest events of the SSUT life?

14. Are SSUT buildings equipped with the latest news or facilities?

15. Does the University simulation test ground house railway or rocket vehicles?

Ex. 16. Go back to the text and find sentences, which are similar to the following statements.

More than 10 thousand students study at Samara State University of Transport.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-30; Прочитано: 622 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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