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The national economy as a system

Science section of the economy as a whole, the problems of economic growth and employment, opportunities and work of the economic mechanism of the functions of the state and economic policy called macroeconomics. Macroeconomics covers the entire national economy, reveals the internal economic ties inherent in it, as a unit.

The objective is to analyze the interaction of macroeconomic operators and individual markets.

Under the national economy is considered to be the country's economy. This is a collection of all sectors and regions, connected in single organism multilateral economic ties.

The national economy tends to stability, efficiency, and fairness by providing:

1. Stable growth of national production;

2. High and stable level of employment;

3. Stable prices;

4. Maintaining the equilibrium of the external balance.

The above objectives are achieved through the use of certain instruments of macroeconomic regulation. They are:

- Fiscal policy (handling the state budget through the tax system and expenditure).

- Monetary policy (control of the money supply through interest rates, reserve ratio and other instruments).

- Incomes policy (from the freedom to set wages and prices to maternity control).

- Foreign policy (trade policy, regulation of the exchange rate).

A summary of the economic development of the state is reflected in the national accounts (SNA).

Дата публикования: 2014-12-30; Прочитано: 710 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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