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Q1 Q2 Q

Fig.6. Supply curve

Moving along the supply curve from point B to point A, we celebrate the growth of the goods under the influence of increased prices; going down the curve from point A to point B is a reduction in the volume of trade in the markets influenced by falling prices for these commodities.

P S S1 Р S1

D D1 S

P1 A A1 A1 A



S1 S1


0 Q1 Q2 Q 0 Q1 Q2 Q

Fig.6.1 Supply growth under Figure 6.2 reduction
the influence of non-price proposals under the influence
factors non-price factors

The offer is constantly changing. Mobile nature of the proposal is due to the action of non-price factors. For non-price factors of market supply include:
- The level of technology;
- Tax policy of the state;
- The prices of resources;
- The number of sellers;
- Subjective expectations of the producers.
These non-price factors shift the supply curve up to the left and right down at a constant price level.

Figure 6.1 shows the dotted line offers its increase under the influence of non-price factors. Increasing supply - shift the entire curve to the right and up, an increase in production of goods for the same, do not change, the price. Figure 6.2 shows the decrease on offer: the dotted supply curve shifted to the left and down. This is also due to lower supply of non-price factors and expressed in the loss of production at not changing the price per unit of product.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-30; Прочитано: 245 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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