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EXERCISE 58. Study the following American Culture Components. Write 2-3 sentences with each of these words. Say, are these Culture components typical for our country as well?

Drugstore (pharmacy) – one which sells not only medi­cine, but also beauty products. School sup­plies, small things to eat, garden products, film, etc. and formerly, simple meals.

Charity group – an organization that helps people who are poor, sick, in difficulties, etc.

Benefits package – a set of insurance which is offered to employees when they begin a new job and often includes medical, dental and vision insurance.

People’s dime – a building or part of a hospital staffed by volunteer (or very low paid) doctors and nurs­es sympathetic to the health needs of the poor.

Pharmacist (druggist) – a skilled person who owns or runs a pharmacy.

EXERCISE 22. What do you call:

1. a place where you can buy medicines;

2. a person who work there selling medicines;

3. the medicines you can buy without a doctor’s prescription;

4. colds, allergies, stomach troubles;

5. a document which can cover your medical costs;

6. a clinic in which doctors and nurses work mostly on a voluntary basis;

7. new sophisticated methods of treatment.

EXERCISE 23. Read out of the text where the American health care system is characterized as:

1. expensive;

2. many-sided;

3. technologically advanced.

EXERCISE 24. What do Americans do if:

1. They get sick but can’t afford private insurance;

2. They have minor health problems;

3. They fall seriously ill.

EXERCISE 25. Think for a while and say:

1. In what way health care in the US is different from that in Ukraine.

2. Whether ‘beggars’ can be ‘choosers’ in the American health system.

3. Whether self-treatment is popular in the USA.

4. Whether Americans are conservative in their views on health care.

EXERCISE 26.1 Answer the questions:

1. Do you know what the National Heath Service in Britain is?

2. Do we have a similar system?

3. Do you think the private health service is as efficient as a state system of health provision?

4. Do you think nations are spending too much money on technological equipment and medical research, or do you think this is an important part of medicine today?

EXERCISE 26.2 You are going to read the text in which the doctor is talking about the National Health Service in contrast to private medical services. Find out and write down two arguments against and two arguments for private medicine, and also the doctor’s opinion:

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 201 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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