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Britain, for example, where 20 percent of total sales comes from companies owned by foreigners

And what about US ownership of foreign firms? The United States ranks as the king. The US

Share of worldwide direct investment is over 40 percent. Not surprisingly, the foreign press has at

Various times decried American imperialism, particularly in France during the 1970s.

No one seems to care about a Texas company owning a store in Los Angeles or a Chicago

Company owning a factory in New York. The reason is that ownership is rarely undertaken for any

Reason other than to make a profit. Most purchasers of goods and services anywhere in the world

Have little knowledge about who ultimately owns the company that provided the good or service —

and they don’t care. Some even argue that Americans should encourage direct ownership and debt

purchases by foreigners. Why? Because then foreigners would have an increased incentive for the

American economy to remain strong, for real estate prices not to collapse, for the legal structure to

Stay on a stable course, and for their US businesses to compete effectively by providing goods and

Services that consumers want.

Commentary and Notes to Text

The hullabaloo — шум (трескотня в прессе)

To decry — порицать, хулить

An increased incentive — повышенный интерес (стимул, заинтересованность)

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 253 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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