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C) Agreements on cooperation, civil law contracts (гражданско-правовые договоры); mutual

Assistance in the World Trade Organization (WTO); preferential trade agreements

(договоры о преференциальной торговле).

5. The branch (sector) structure of the TNC production looks in the following way:

a) It is diverse: most international companies are engaged in the services industries — 65 per

Cent; in the production sphere — 20 per cent, and in agriculture and mining — 15 per cent.

b) It is diverse: most international companies are engaged in the production sphere — 40 per

Cent and in agriculture and mining — 40 per cent; in the services industries — 20 per cent.

c) It is diverse: most international companies (about 60 per cent) are engaged in the production

Sphere; 37 per cent — in the services industries and 3 per cent — in agriculture and


6. What is the investment strategy of TNCs for developed and new industrial nations and the poorest

nations of the Third World?

A) Investments are directed to manufacturing (обрабатывающие) industries of developed and

New industrial nations; these nations compete with each other for investments. The strategy

is different for the poorest nations: TNCs invest their capital in fuel and raw materials branches

Of the economy and exportation of goods.

B) Investments are directed to fuel and raw-materials branches of developed and new industrial

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 245 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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