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C) — the establishment of a free-trade area with favourable tariffs on separate goods;

— the setting up of a customs union with establishing common tariffs in trade in raw materials

And energy resources;

— the economic union of member countries conducting the coordinated political strategy;

— political and economic union.

3. Free economic zones are:

A) The areas of the national state-owned territory where special favourable economic conditions,

E.g., concerning customs, lease, tax, currency, labour, visa regulations, and the like,

Are in effect for foreign and national entrepreneurs.

B) The areas of the national state-owned territory where special favourable economic conditions

Are in effect for foreign and national entrepreneurs. These areas are created for laundering

The illegal money (отмывание незаконных денежных средств).

C) The areas of the national state-owned territory where special favourable economic conditions

Are in effect for foreign and national entrepreneurs. They are created for financing

Local bureaucratic elites.

4. Apart from attracting foreign investments, FEZs allow to solve other problems that are particularly

important for any nation, including:

A) — encouragement of exports and supply of foreign currency;

— turning backward areas into separate independent structures of a nation.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 164 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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